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This special session deals with the current/future challenges in the area of mobile and vehicular ad hoc networks&#046; Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure&#8211;less network of mobile devices connected wirelessly&#046; In recent years, the growth of using mobile devices and wireless networking had made MANET a popular research topic&#046; Vehicle Ad hoc Network (VANET) is an application&#8211;specific MANET for connecting vehicles together&#046; VANET opens the door to applications that contribute to the safety and comfort of the vehicle’s passengers&#046; Many research projects in industry and academia are devoted to mobile and vehicular ad hoc networks; however, still there are many communication challenges that are awaiting researches&#046;<br>The goal of this special session is to explore developments and challenges in the area of mobile and vehicular ad hoc networks&#046; It highlights and addresses the advances and ideas associated to mobile networks&#046; The session will host both research and industrial papers covering interested topics&#046;<br>The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Mobile Communication<br>&#8211; Vehicle&#8211;to&#8211;Vehicle and Vehicle&#8211;to&#8211;Roadside Communication<br>&#8211; Architecture of Mobile and Vehicular Networks<br>&#8211; Channel, Traffic and Network Modeling<br>&#8211; Mobility Modeling and Management<br>&#8211; Cooperation and Cross&#8211;layer Optimization Techniques<br>&#8211; MAC and Routing Protocols<br>&#8211; Security and Privacy<br>&#8211; Commercial Applications<br>&#8211; Scalability and Availability Issues<br>&#8211; Cloud and Software&#8211;Defined Mobile Networks<br>&#8211; Cognitive Radio Mobile Networks<br>&#8211; Performance Evaluation and Simulation of MANET and VANET<br>&#8211; Traffic Engineering and QoS<br>