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The increasing usages of Web&#8211;based technologies have enabled numerous benefits in people’s daily life, from mobile social applications to heterogeneous high performance computing&#046; The implementations of the Internet&#8211;related solutions are considered one of the important approaches for enterprises to grow their businesses&#046; However, novel mechanisms using networking techniques also introduce new threats harming users’ privacy information and operations&#046; Two critical aspects in Web security are cyber security and cloud computing&#046; IEEE CSCloud 2016 focuses on these two aspects and aims to gather recent achievements in cyber security and cloud computing fields&#046; The conference invites those papers that concentrate on new paradigms, algorithms, and applications in cyber security or cloud computing&#046; We also encourage researchers and practitioners to build up the connections between academia and industry&#046;<br>We aim to collect the latest achievements and exchange research ideas in the domains of intelligent data and security at this academic event&#046; Joining CSCloud 2017 will be a great opportunity for you to reach academics, professionals, and vendors who have the same research interests as yours&#046; IEEE CSCloud 2017 is the next edition of a series of successful academic events, including CSCloud 2015 (New York, USA) and CSCloud 2016 (Beijing, China)&#046; IEEE CSCloud 2017 will be held at Columbia University&#046;<br>Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; New paradigms in cyber security<br>&#8211; Emerging attack methods<br>&#8211; Digital forensics and privacy issues in cloud computing<br>&#8211; Cyber monitoring approaches<br>&#8211; Big data security strategy<br>&#8211; Big data security issues in social networks<br>&#8211; Social engineering, insider threats, advance spear phishing<br>&#8211; Security and fault tolerance for embedded or ubiquitous systems<br>&#8211; Cloud users&#8242; privacy information protection<br>&#8211; Case studies for cyber security applications<br>&#8211; Critical issues and solutions of Cyber security in tele&#8211;health<br>&#8211; Cyber security in mobile embedded systems<br>&#8211; New security cloud computing model, framework, and application<br>&#8211; Heterogeneous clouds and vulnerabilities<br>&#8211; Secure methods for heterogeneous cloud resource sharing<br>&#8211; Green cloud computing mechanisms<br>&#8211; Cloud&#8211;based audio/video streaming techniques<br>&#8211; Quality of Service (QoS) improvements techniques<br>