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In few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) will interconnect hundreds of billions of “things”&#046; While IoT has the potential to change our way of life, it also has many open problems&#046; On one hand, it is impossible for humans to manage manually the plethora of things&#046; On the other hand, such “things” need to adapt to the ever&#8211;changing environment and requirements&#046; Furthermore, one research trend is the development of intelligent and autonomic things, such as autonomic vehicles/robots/networks and smart textiles/electronics/pans&#046; Internet of Intelligent and Autonomic Things might potentially benefit the world, the economy and our quality of life in many ways, such as smart agriculture, buildings, transportation, grid, clothes and healthcare&#046;<br>This special track invites researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government to submit original contributions on a range of topics related to the Internet of Intelligent and Autonomic Things&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Applications and case studies of IoIT<br>&#8211; Autonomic and Self&#8211;Adaptive Systems<br>&#8211; Autonomic and Smart Things (e&#046;g&#046;, vehicles, drones, robots, wearable devices)<br>&#8211; Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems (CPS)<br>&#8211; Design methodology, middlewares, principles, infrastructures, and tools for IoIT<br>&#8211; Dynamic, Adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems<br>&#8211; Edge and Fog Computing<br>&#8211; eHealth<br>&#8211; Energy, reconfiguration, and mobility management<br>&#8211; Intelligent and Autonomous Things<br>&#8211; Machine to Machine (M2M) communication<br>&#8211; Smart agriculture<br>&#8211; Smart cities<br>&#8211; Smart Transportation Systems<br>&#8211; Techniques for learning and dynamic adaptation<br>