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Enterprise&#8211;scale cloud platforms and services systems, present common and cross&#8211;cutting challenges in maximizing power efficiency and performance while maintaining predictable and reliable behavior, and at the same time responding appropriately to environmental and system changes such as hardware failures and varying workloads&#046; Autonomic computing systems address the challenges in managing these environments by integrating monitoring, decision&#8211;processing and actuation capabilities to autonomously manage resources and applications based on high&#8211;level policies&#046;<br>Research in cloud and autonomic computing spans a variety of areas, from distributed systems, computer architecture, middleware services, databases and data&#8211;stores, networks, machine learning, and control theory&#046; The purpose of the Fifth International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC) is to bring together researchers and practitioners across these disciplines to address the multiple facets of cloud and autonomic computing&#046;<br>Papers are solicited on a broad array of topics of relevance to cloud and autonomic computing and their intersections, including those that bear on connections and relationships among different research areas or report on prototype systems or experiences&#046; The ICCAC conference seeks also papers on autonomic aspects of combining cloud computing with fog and edge computing&#046; The goal is to continue our international forum focused on the latest research, applications, and technologies aimed at making cloud and autonomic computing systems and services easy to design, to deploy, and to implement, while also being self&#8211;manageable, self&#8211;regulating and scalable with little involvement of humans or system administrators&#046;<br>Topics<br>Autonomic Cloud Computing<br>Self&#8211;managing cloud services<br>Autonomic resource and energy management in cloud computing<br>Autonomic cloud applications and services<br>Autonomic virtual cloud resources and services<br>Cloud workload characterization and prediction<br>Monitoring, modeling and analysis of cloud resources and services<br>Anomaly behavior analysis of autonomic systems and services<br>Autonomic aspects of combining cloud computing with fog and edge computing<br>