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The International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017) will be held on June 26&#8211;30, 2017&#046; Under the theme of "Plethora Communications", IWCMC 2017 will target a wide spectrum of the state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art as well as emerging topics pertaining to wireless networks, wireless communications, and mobile computing&#046; Continuing the great success of previous IWCMC events, IWCMC 2017 is anticipated to attract a large number of high&#8211;quality submissions and stimulate the cutting&#8211;edge research discussions among many academic pioneering researchers/scientists and industrial engineers/leaders from all around the world&#046;<br>The IWCMC 2017 program will feature a number of symposia, workshops, invited presentations, special sessions, and pioneering keynote speakers&#046; More information can be found at the conference website:<br>http://iwcmc&#046;org/2017/<br>Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers up to 6 pages of length, using the EDAS link:<br>https://edas&#046;info/newPaper&#046;php?c=22770<br>to various IWCMC 2017 Symposia and Workshops as listed in the conference website for possible publication in the IWCMC 2017 Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library&#046; Selected papers will be further considered for possible publication in special issues as listed below:<br>1&#046; International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet):<br>http://www&#046;inderscience&#046;com/browse/index&#046;php?journalCODEā€¦; The International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications<br>Systems (IJAACS):<br>http://www&#046;inderscience&#046;com/ijaacs<br>3&#046; KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems:<br>http://www&#046;itiis&#046;org<br>4&#046; Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Networking &amp; Applications:<br>http://www&#046;springer&#046;com/engineering<br>5&#046; Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems journal:<br>http://www&#046;tandfonline&#046;com/loi/tcyb20<br&gt;