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The 18th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC 2017, will be held at Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan between July 3rd and July 6th, 2017&#046; The workshop is devoted to advances in signal processing for wireless communications, networking, and information theory&#046; The technical program features plenary talks as well as invited and contributed papers presented in poster format&#046;<br>Call for Papers<br>Prospective authors are invited to by the deadline listed above submit original papers in the following areas but not limited to<br>Topics of Interest include<br>Smart antennas, MIMO systems, massive MIMO, and space&#8211;time processing<br>Single&#8211;carrier, multi&#8211;carrier, and multi&#8211;rate systems<br>Multiple&#8211;access and broadcast channels, multi&#8211;user receivers<br>Signal processing for ad&#8211;hoc, multi&#8211;hop, and sensor networks<br>Cooperative communication, coordinated multipoint transmission and reception<br>Distributed resource allocation and scheduling<br>Convex and non&#8211;convex optimization; Game theory for communications<br>Interference management, dynamic spectrum management<br>Heterogeneous networks, small cells<br>Millimeter wave, 60GHz communications<br>Full duplex systems<br>Physical layer security<br>Feedback in wireless networks<br>Cognitive radio and networks<br>Cooperative sensing, compressed sensing, sparse signal processing<br>Machine&#8211;to&#8211;machine, device&#8211;to&#8211;device communications<br>Ultra&#8211;wideband radio, localization, RFID<br>Modeling, estimation and equalization of wireless channels<br>Acquisition, synchronization, and tracking<br>Cross&#8211;layer issues, joint source&#8211;channel coding, delay&#8211;limited communication<br>Signal processing for optical, satellite, and underwater communications<br>Signal processing for nano&#8211; and molecular communications<br>Energy efficiency and energy harvesting<br>Large networks and big data in wireless communications<br>Emerging techniques, technologies, and new waveforms for 5G<br>