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ICTAC 2017 will have a technical program for five days including two days for tutorials and three days for a conference&#046;<br>Topics of interest include theories of computation and programming, foundations of software engineering and formal techniques in software design and verification, as well as tools that support formal techniques for system modeling, design and verification&#046;<br>The topical areas of the conference include, but are not limited to<br>* Automata theory and formal languages;<br>* Principles and semantics of programming languages;<br>* Theories of concurrency, mobility and reconfiguration;<br>* Theory of distributed, grid and cloud computing;<br>* Software architectures and their models, refinement and verification;<br>* Models of concurrency, security, and mobility;<br>* Real&#8211;time, embedded, hybrid and cyber&#8211;physical systems;<br>* Program static and dynamic analysis and verification;<br>* Software specification, refinement, verification and testing;<br>* Logics and their applications;<br>* Automated and Interactive Theorem Proving; SAT and SMT solving;<br>* Model checking;<br>* Coordination and feature interaction;<br>* Service&#8211;oriented architectures: models and development methods;<br>* Domain&#8211;specific modeling and technology: examples, frameworks and experience&#046;<br>* Case studies, theories, tools and experiments of verified systems&#046;<br>