The motive of Workshop on Smart Technologies (WOSTech) is to bring together computer scientists, researchers, engineers, and people from industry to exploit the world in a best possible way for mankind through smart technologies. WOSTech in conjunction with ICFNDS 2017 has the current focus on Softwrae Defined Networking and Technology transfer towards smart global village. SDN; A game changer technology having an important transformational force, is at the forefront and going to become the backbone of application economy. It provides support on the dynamic, scalable computing and storage needs of current complex digital networks and allows adaptive control and operations of networks in a cost–effective manner. On the other hand, Internet of Things (IoT) on the rise is a mass–media hot topic and is very enthusiastic to transform the Global Village into Smart Global Village. IP–enabled devices, Machine–to–Machine (M2M) communication, Cloud Computing, Big Data, RFID, White Space TV Spectrum, iPhone Apps and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are the most highlighted actors of IoT. These represent a compelling opportunity across a staggering array of applications covering homes, warehouses, offices, hospitals, factories, metro infrastructure, agriculture and transportation to make life easier, safer, and greener for millions of people in this smart global village.<br>The emphasis here is to present smart solutions that address the recent emerging trends in Softwae Defined Networking and actors in Technology transfer towards smart global village, and associated challenges to meet with underlying requirements. We are also welcoming the topics of mostly theoretical nature, provided they give a clear practical potential in applying the results of such work. Major topics of interest in WOSTech–ICFNDS’17 include but are not limited to the following:<br>––) Software Defined Networking<br>Emergence role in softwareization<br>Standardization, protocols and layering architectures<br>Intelligent algorithms, frameworks, and architectures<br>Implementation issues and prospective solutions<br>QoE assessment and management tools and techniques<br>Automation, troubleshooting and management tools<br>Dynamic resource provisioning and management<br>Testing, security, privacy and reliability<br>Traffic and data engineering<br>Efficient, secure, and real time Information flow<br>Robust control, network control and information–based control management<br>Integration of SDN–enabled mobile and fixed networks for various services; VoIP, multimedia, content delivery, etc.<br>SDN in smart environment; social networking, smart homes, smart logistics, smart grid, etc.<br>Challenges in deploying software defined networks alongside conventional networks<br>Applications, challenges and solutions of SDN Integration with emerging technologies; internet of things, network function virtualization, cloud computing, virtual switches, etc.<br>Simulation and modeling of design, deployment and operation<br>Orchestration API, orchestration of virtual resources<br>Northbound and Southbound Programming<br>Programming and Debugging of SDN Elements and System<br>––) Technology Transfer towards Smart Global Village<br>Algorithms and standards in technology transfer from WSNs to IoT<br>Energy harvesting, scavenging, and its efficient consumption<br>Efficient and resilient communication<br>Simulation and real implementation of experimental System<br>Data processing and Big data related issues<br>Self–learning<br>interoperability related Issues and challenges in technology transfer<br>Deployment (energy, cost, error prevention, localization)<br>High–level methods and tools<br>Cost (of node, energy, development, deployment, maintenance)<br>Existing and potential adaptation barriers and their solutions<br>Storage and services (cloud, database, data structure, object oriented)<br>Various application scenarios<br>SDN and IoT<br>Paper Submission, and Reviewing<br>
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