Buenos Aires
Deadline Paper
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Models have long been used in the development of complex systems&#046; Their<br>use is becoming more prevalent in the software development domain as<br>modeling techniques and tools mature&#046; Despite this, there are many<br>challenging issues that the modeling research community must address if<br>software modeling practices are to become mainstream&#046; Furthermore<br>software and systems become more intertwined and the modeling techniques<br>used for systems engineering need to be harmonized with software models&#046;<br>The purpose of this 2&#8211;day workshop is to promote the use of models in<br>the engineering of software systems&#046; In particular, we are interested in<br>the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences related to<br>modeling&#046; Engineers have used models to effectively manage complexity<br>for centuries, and there is a growing body of work on the use of models<br>to manage inherent problem and solution complexity in software<br>development&#046; The use of software models will become more prevalent as<br>methodologies and tools that manipulate models at various levels of<br>abstraction become available&#046;<br>Workshop activities will focus on analyzing successful applications of<br>software&#8211;modeling techniques to gain insights into challenging modeling<br>problems, including: (1) identifying, describing, and using appropriate<br>abstractions, (2) supporting incremental, iterative development through<br>the use of appropriate model composition, transformation and other model<br>manipulation operators, and (3) automated analysis of possibly large,<br>possibly incomplete models to determine the presence or absence of<br>desired and undesired properties&#046; Topics of interest include:<br>&#8211; Modeling notations and tools<br>&#8211; Metamodeling<br>&#8211; Abstractions and modeling methodologies<br>&#8211; Model&#8211;based analysis and synthesis<br>&#8211; Model transformation and composition<br>&#8211; Model evaluation<br>&#8211; Model management<br>&#8211; Extracting models from software artifacts<br>&#8211; Models for learning machines<br>&#8211; Models of big and smart data<br>&#8211; Use of models for downstream activities<br>&#8211; Modeling the system environment<br>&#8211; Modeling cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>&#8211; Models at runtime (e&#046;g&#046;, for software adaptation)<br>&#8211; Models for ``what&#8211;if?&#8242;&#8242; analysis and prognostics<br>&#8211; Empirical studies<br>&#8211; Domain&#8211;specific modeling<br>&#8211; management using models<br>&#8211; Model reuse<br>&#8211; Further uses of modeling<br>