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It is our pleasure to invite you to the 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC&#8211;2017)&#046; Following very successful runs since 2002 at locations all over Europe, last time in July 2016 in FuZhou, China, the next ISPDC edition will be held from 3 to 6 July 2017, in Innsbruck, Austria&#046; It will be organised by the Institute for Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria&#046; The mission of the 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing is to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners involved in the development of new algorithms, architectures and applications for parallel and distributed computing, as well as visualisation and post&#8211;processing&#046; The goal is to provide an interactive and friendly yet professional forum for original research contributions describing novel ideas, groundbreaking results or quantified system experiences&#046; We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC&#8211;2017)&#046;<br>We kindly invite you to submit original contributions to ISPDC&#8211;2017 on topics including, but not limited to:<br>System Architectures for Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>Multi&#8211;Cores, Virtualization<br>Clusters and Grid Computing<br>Methods and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming<br>Embedded, Mobile and Networking Environments<br>System Architecture and System Software for In&#8211;Memory Computing<br>Innovative System Architecture for Big Data Processing<br>System Architecture for Graph Computing/Processing<br>Interconnect Architecture for HPC and Data Centers<br>High Performance Computing and Large Scale Applications<br>Tools and Environments for Parallel Program Design/Analysis<br>Scalable Algorithms and Applications<br>Urban Networks and Applications, Vehicular Networks<br>Parallel, Distributed and Mobile big&#8211;Data Management<br>Parallel Computing and Algorithms<br>Parallel Programming Paradigms and APIs<br>GPU Programming<br>Bio&#8211;inspired Parallel Algorithms<br>Big Data and Graph Analytics<br>Algorithms, Models and Formal Verification<br>Cloud Computing<br>Cloud Resource Provisioning and Allocation<br>Pricing of Cloud Resources<br>Cloud Performance, and Capacity Management<br>Green Cloud Computing<br>Mobile Clouds<br>Security and Privacy in Clouds<br>Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data<br>Storage Architectures for Clouds and Big Data Processing<br>Edge Computing<br>Fog computing and networking architectures<br>Edge&#8211;Cloud interactions and enabling protocols<br>System and service management<br>Edge resource management<br>Distributed data centers, edge data analytics, edge caching<br>Security and privacy<br>Distributed and Embedded Computing<br>Collaborative Computing, P2P Computing<br>Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing<br>Web Services and Internet Computing<br>Distributed Software Components, Multi&#8211;agent Systems<br>Parallel Embedded Systems Programming<br>Highly Embedded Parallel Systems Support for Programming<br>FPGA and SoC Solutions<br>Performance Modeling, Management and Optimization<br>Scheduling and Load Balancing<br>Performance Modeling, Analysis and Evaluation<br>Optimisation, Security and Dependability<br>Interactivity<br>Real&#8211;time Distributed and Parallel Systems<br>Visualisation of Massively Parallel Data<br>IoT, Social Networks<br>