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We invite you to submit your work for presentation at SYSTOR 2017, the 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference&#046; The conference will take place May 22–24, 2017 in Haifa, Israel&#046;<br>SYSTOR organizers aim to provide an excellent international forum for interaction across the systems research community, appealing and useful to academic and industrial researchers, welcoming both students and seasoned professionals&#046; Following this goal, SYSTOR 2017 will host distinguished keynote speakers and offer an interactive poster session as well as social events&#046;<br>A list of Program Committee members can be found here&#046;<br>SYSTOR promotes experimental and practical computer systems research and welcomes both academic and industrial contributions, including the following topics:<br>Operating systems, computer architecture, and their interactions<br>Distributed, parallel, and cloud systems<br>Networked, mobile, wireless, peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer, and sensor systems<br>Runtime systems and compiler/programming&#8211;language support<br>File and storage systems<br>Security, privacy, and trust<br>Virtualization<br>Embedded and real&#8211;time systems<br>Fault tolerance, reliability, and availability<br>Deployment, usage, and experience<br>Performance evaluation and workload characterization<br>