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Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:<br>Energy Science<br>&#8211; Advanced Energy Sources<br>&#8211; Advanced Heat Pipe Technologies<br>&#8211; Advanced In&#8211;Space Propulsion &amp; Power Concepts<br>&#8211; Advanced Lighting<br>&#8211; Advanced Thermal Control Technologies<br>&#8211; Advanced Buildings<br>&#8211; Advanced Vehicle Technologies<br>&#8211; Advances in Additive Manufacturing<br>&#8211; Advances in Solar Energy<br>&#8211; Advances in Space Propulsion<br>&#8211; Advances in Urban Mobility<br>&#8211; Alternative Transportation Fuels<br>&#8211; Battery &amp; Energy Storage<br>&#8211; BioEnergy<br>&#8211; Clean Energy Project Financing<br>&#8211; Community Solar<br>&#8211; Department of Energy Building Efficiency R&amp;D<br>&#8211; Early Stage &amp; Growth Capital<br>&#8211; Economic Development Incentives for Clean Tech Innovators<br>&#8211; Emerging Smart Grid Technologies<br>&#8211; Emerging Smart Grid Technologies: a Case Study<br>&#8211; Enabling Technologies for Lunar Surface Science<br>&#8211; Energy Cybersecurity<br>&#8211; Energy Policy<br>&#8211; Far Term Space Transport and Environment Models and Theories<br>&#8211; Future of the Electric Utility Industry: Challenges and Opportunities<br>&#8211; High Capacity Heat Rejection Systems<br>&#8211; High Frequency Gravity Wave Detection<br>&#8211; High Frequency Gravity Wave Generators<br>&#8211; Innovative Techniques in Fusion Energy<br>&#8211; Innovative Techniques in Nuclear Energy<br>&#8211; Lunar In Space Resource Utilization<br>&#8211; Lunar Lander Technologies and Design<br>&#8211; Manufacturing Energy Efficiency<br>&#8211; Medical Astrosociology<br>&#8211; Microgravity Thermophysics<br>&#8211; MicroGrids &amp; Distributed Generation<br>&#8211; New Directions in Astrophysics/Particle Physics<br>&#8211; New Directions in Communications<br>&#8211; Nuclear Advanced Reactors<br>&#8211; Nuclear Energy: Achievements, Lessons Learned &amp; Prospects<br>&#8211; Offshore Wind<br>&#8211; Planetary Defense and Societal Protection<br>&#8211; Propulsion Analysis<br>&#8211; Reforming the Energy Vision (REV): in Context and in Action<br>&#8211; REV &amp; Integrated Grid – Distribution Solutions<br>&#8211; REV &amp; Integrated Grid – Transmission<br>&#8211; REV DEMOS<br>&#8211; Role of Policy in Regional Energy Transitions<br>&#8211; Sensors<br>&#8211; Smart Materials<br>&#8211; Smart Mobility &amp; Connected Vehicles<br>&#8211; Space faring societies<br>&#8211; Space policy and space law in a social context<br>&#8211; Space Science and Technology Roadmaps<br>&#8211; Space societies/ the settlement of space environments<br>&#8211; Technology transfers and spinoffs<br>&#8211; The Future of Transmission<br>&#8211; The NYS Clean Energy Fund<br>&#8211; The relationship between astrosociology and astrobiology<br>&#8211; Theories on High Frequency Gravity Waves<br>&#8211; Theories, Models and Concepts<br>&#8211; Thermal Control<br>&#8211; Thermal Control for Lunar and Deep Missions<br>Two Phase Thermal Control Systems<br>&#8211; Unconventional Physical Principles and Gravitational Models<br>&#8211; Water Energy Nexus<br>&#8211; Wind Energy<br>Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution:<br>&#8211; Generation Systems<br>&#8211; Modelling and Simulation<br>&#8211; Load Modelling<br>&#8211; Forecasting and Management<br>&#8211; Power Quality and Grounding<br>&#8211; Maintenance and Operation<br>&#8211; Distribution System Planning and Reliability<br>&#8211; Flexible AC Transmission Systems<br>Renewable Energy Sources, Smartgrids Technologies &amp; Applications<br>&#8211; Smart grid for distributed energy resources<br>&#8211; Smart grid in interdependent energy infrastructures<br>&#8211; Smart grid for intelligent monitoring and outage management<br>&#8211; Smart grid aplications and technologies<br>&#8211; Smart grid for plug&#8211;in vehicles and low&#8211;carbon transportation alternatives<br>&#8211; Smart grid for cyber and physical security systems<br>&#8211; Energy Management and Environmental issues<br>&#8211; Hybrid Power Systems<br>&#8211; Distributed and Co&#8211;Generation Systems<br>&#8211; Wind Energy Systems<br>&#8211; Solar Energy Systems,<br>&#8211; Hydro Power Plants<br>&#8211; Hydrogen Systems and Fuel Cell<br>&#8211; Power Market and Power System Economics<br>Power Electronics, Systems and Applications<br>&#8211; Soft switching converters<br>&#8211; Hard&#8211;switching and soft&#8211;switching static converters<br>&#8211; Multilevel converters<br>&#8211; Matrix converters<br>&#8211; Emerging topologies<br>&#8211; Power Converters Modelling<br>&#8211; Simulation and Control<br>&#8211; Power Factor Correctors (PFC)<br>&#8211; EMI and over&#8211;voltage protection<br>&#8211; Active Filters and Harmonics<br>&#8211; Power Supplies<br>&#8211; Power Electronics Components and Packaging<br>&#8211; Inverter and Converter Technology<br>&#8211; Electric Drivers and Application<br>&#8211; Electronic Materials<br>&#8211; Education and Training for Electrical Engineers<br>&#8211; Nanometer&#8211;scale materials engineering<br>&#8211; Optoelectronic photonic devices<br>&#8211; Power semiconductors, passive components and packaging technologies<br>&#8211; Switch&#8211;mode power supplies and UPS<br>&#8211; Applications of power electronics<br>&#8211; FACTS Power quality issues, harmonic problems and solutions<br>&#8211; Power electronics in traction and automotive<br>&#8211; Bearingless drive technologies<br>&#8211; Applications of power electronics in home appliance, industry and aerospace<br>&#8211; Modeling and simulation in power electronics<br>&#8211; Power electronics education/professional development<br>&#8211; Telecommunications power supplies<br>&#8211; Electronics, Information &amp; Control Systems<br>Electrical Machines and Adjustable Speed Drives<br>&#8211; AC and DC Machines and Drives,<br>&#8211; Reluctance machines and drives<br>&#8211; Permanent magnet machines and drives<br>&#8211; Linear machines and drives<br>&#8211; Sensorless control<br>&#8211; Piezo and electrostatic actuators,<br>&#8211; Modelling and simulation<br>&#8211; Maintenance and Fault Diagnosis<br>&#8211; Electrical Vehicles<br>&#8211; EMC related phenomena<br>&#8211; Electrical Machines<br>&#8211; Control Theory and Applications<br>&#8211; Visual Control<br>&#8211; Machine Learning<br>&#8211; Intelligent Systems and Approach<br>&#8211; Motor drives and motion control<br>&#8211; Analysis and design of electrical machines<br>Signal Processing<br>&#8211; Signal Processing Theory<br>&#8211; Digital Signal Processing Algorithms<br>&#8211; Digital Filter Design &amp; Implementation<br>&#8211; Array Processing<br>&#8211; Adaptive Signal Processing<br>&#8211; Audio, Speech and Language Processing<br>&#8211; Image Processing<br>&#8211; Video Processing<br>&#8211; Medical Signal Processing &amp; Medical Imaging<br>Communication Systems<br>&#8211; Communication Theory and Information Theory<br>&#8211; Antenna and Propagation<br>&#8211; Microwave Theory and Techniques<br>&#8211; Modulation, Coding, and Channel Analysis<br>&#8211; Networks Design, Network Protocols and Network Management<br>&#8211; Optical Communications<br>&#8211; Wireless/Mobile Communications &amp; Technologies<br>Computers and Information Technology<br>&#8211; Computer Architecture<br>&#8211; Computational Biology and Bioinformatics<br>&#8211; Knowledge and Data Engineering<br>&#8211; Learning Technologies<br>&#8211; Multimedia Services and Technologies<br>&#8211; Mobile Computing<br>&#8211; Parallel/Distributed Computing and Grid Computing<br>&#8211; Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence<br>&#8211; Software Engineering<br>&#8211; Visualization and Computer Graphics<br>Circuits and Systems<br>&#8211; Analog Circuits<br>&#8211; Digital Circuits<br>&#8211; Mixed Signal Circuits<br>&#8211; Nonlinear Circuits and Systems<br>&#8211; Sensing and Sensor Networks<br>&#8211; Filters and Data Conversion Circuits<br>&#8211; RF and Wireless Circuits<br>&#8211; Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits<br>&#8211; Low Power Design and VLSI Physical Design<br>&#8211; Biomedical Circuits<br>&#8211; Assembly and Packaging<br>&#8211; Test and Reliability<br>&#8211; Advanced Technologies (i&#046;e&#046; MEMS and Nano&#8211;electronic Devices)<br>Electrical Power Systems<br>&#8211; Power Engineering and Power Systems<br>&#8211; Electromagnetic Compatibility<br>&#8211; Energy Conversion<br>&#8211; High Voltage Engineering and Insulation<br>&#8211; Power Delivery<br>&#8211; Power Electronics<br>&#8211; Illumination<br>Controls<br>&#8211; Control Theory and Applications<br>&#8211; Adaptive and Learning Control System<br>&#8211; Fuzzy and Neural Control<br>&#8211; Mechatronics<br>&#8211; Manufacturing Control Systems and Applications<br>&#8211; Process Control Systems<br>&#8211; Robotics and Automation<br>High Voltage Engineering and Insulation Technology<br>&#8211; Micro&#8211;electromechanical systems (MEMS)<br>&#8211; Power integrated circuits (PIC)<br>&#8211; Power engineering related technologies<br>&#8211; Power System &amp; Energy Engineering<br>&#8211; Power System Protection, Operation and Control<br>&#8211; Transmission &amp; Distribution System and Apparatus<br>&#8211; Power System Stability<br>&#8211; Power System Modeling, Simulation and Analysis<br>&#8211; Electromagnetic Transients Programs (EMTP)<br>