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IEEE CAMAD 2017 will be held as a stand&#8211;alone event at Lund University, in Scania, Sweden&#046; This year IEEE CAMAD will focus on communication aspects of 5G Networking and beyond&#046; IEEE CAMAD will be hosting several Workshops and Special Sessions, bringing together a diverse group of scientists, engineers, manufacturers and providers to exchange and share their experiences and new ideas focusing on research and innovation results under wireless communications in the 5G domain&#046; In addition to contributed papers, the conference will also include keynote speeches, panel and demo sessions&#046;<br>Areas of Interest<br>IEEE CAMAD is soliciting papers describing original work, unpublished and not<br>currently submitted for publication elsewhere, on topics including, but not<br>limited to, the following:<br>&#8211; Wireless PHY layers for 5G: design, analysis, and optimization<br>&#8211; Wireless MAC protocols for 5G: design, analysis, and optimization<br>&#8211; 5G IoT networks for urban applications<br>&#8211; Adaptive content distribution in on&#8211;demand services<br>&#8211; Backhaul/fronthaul for multi&#8211;tier ultra&#8211;dense heterogeneous small cell networks<br>&#8211; Cognitive and Cooperative Communications<br>&#8211; Commercial and Societal Impact of Networks, Data, and Adaptive Services<br>&#8211; Context and location&#8211;aware wireless services and applications<br>&#8211; Cross&#8211;layer design for massive MIMO and multiuser MIMO networks<br>&#8211; End&#8211;to&#8211;End Network slicing<br>&#8211; Efficient integration of multiple novel 5G air interfaces<br>&#8211; Energy harvesting wireless networks<br>&#8211; Mobile big data and network data analytics<br>&#8211; Mobile cloud and fog networking<br>&#8211; Mobile social networks<br>&#8211; Mobility, location, and handoff management<br>&#8211; Multimedia QoS, and traffic management<br>&#8211; Multiple access in machine&#8211;to&#8211;machine communication<br>&#8211; Network estimation techniques<br>&#8211; Optical Communications &amp; Fiber Optics for 5G<br>&#8211; QoS support and energy efficient MAC<br>&#8211; Quality of Experience: Framework, Evaluation and Challenges<br>&#8211; Simulation Techniques for Large&#8211;Scale Networks<br>&#8211; Smart Grids: Communication, Modeling and Design<br>&#8211; Software&#8211;defined wireless networks<br>&#8211; Testbed, experiments, and prototype implementations of systems &amp; services<br>&#8211; Traffic Engineering, Modeling and Analysis<br>&#8211; Ultra low&#8211;latency and ultra high&#8211;reliability<br>&#8211; Validation of Simulation Models with Measurements<br>&#8211; Wireless body area networks and e&#8211;health services<br>&#8211; Wireless broadcast, multicast and streaming<br>