Deadline Paper

With the acceleration of global informatization in our society, particularly the rapid expansion of human activities, traditional terrestrial network infrastructures for sensing and communications can hardly satisfy the ever&#8211;growing social and economic requirements of some human activities; for example, in the areas of earth observation, emergency response to natural disasters, spaceflight telemetry, tracking and command, and safety/convenience support of air transportation, etc&#046;<br>The space information network (SIN) is an information network infrastructure based on integrated networking of space platforms (e&#046;g&#046;, GEO/NGEO satellites, highaltitude platform stations) to support massive real&#8211;time data sensing, collection, transmission, processing and distribution, as well as to realize both global and localized tailor&#8211;made systematized information services&#046; SIN has been envisioned to play a crucial role in future human social and economic activities&#046; The SIN has developed rapidly since 2013, with large amounts of industrial capital invested in the fields of aviation and aerospace engineering&#046; This has led to tremendous progress in key enabling technologies&#046; However, there are still many unprecedented challenges and opportunities to overcome before the SIN can be fully realised, including network system architecture, real&#8211;time information sensing, on&#8211;orbit information processing, high&#8211;speed wireless transmission, storage, security and privacy protection, and new applications&#046;<br>This special issue seeks original contributions on SINs, sharing research and challenges in this area, and discussing new ideas, methods, theories, key enabling techniques and applications for SIN&#046;<br>Potential topics include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; WSNs architecture and service based on SINs<br>&#8211; Sensing technologies for SIN<br>&#8211; Information processing technologies in SIN<br>&#8211; Cloud computing technologies for SIN<br>&#8211; Transmission theory and technologies in SIN<br>&#8211; Data storage technologies for SIN<br>&#8211; Integration of satellite/HAP/terrestrial network and spectral compatibility<br>&#8211; Network optimization and quality of service guarantee for SIN<br>&#8211; Energy and spectrum efficiency in SIN<br>&#8211; Resource allocation and management technologies in SIN<br>&#8211; Security, privacy and trust in SIN<br>&#8211; Transmission theory and technologies<br>&#8211; Dynamic access and exchange technologies<br>