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Real&#8211;world entities often interconnect with each other through explicit or implicit relationships to form a complex network&#046; Examples of complex networks are found in many fields of science such as biological systems, engineering systems, economic systems as well as social systems&#046; The international workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from different science communities working on areas related to complex networks&#046; The workshop targets two types of contributions from prospective authors: contributions dealing of theoretical tools and methods to solve practical problems as well as applications solved by tools from network sciences&#046; Both contributions should stimulate interaction between theoreticians and practitioners&#046;<br>Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and applied papers on their research in complex networks&#046;<br>Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Models of Complex Networks<br>&#8211; Structural Network Properties<br>&#8211; Complex Networks and Epidemics<br>&#8211; Community Structure &amp; Discovery<br>&#8211; Motif Discovery<br>&#8211; Complex Networks Mining<br>&#8211; Dynamics on and of Complex Networks<br>&#8211; Link Prediction<br>&#8211; Multiplex Networks<br>&#8211; Network Controllability<br>&#8211; Synchronization in Networks<br>&#8211; Algorithms for Network Analysis<br>&#8211; Networks Visual Representation<br>&#8211; Large&#8211;scale Graph Analytics<br>&#8211; Social Reputation, Influence, and Trust<br>&#8211; Information Spreading in Social Media<br>&#8211; Rumor and Viral Marketing<br>&#8211; Recommendation Systems and Networks<br>&#8211; Financial and Economic Networks<br>&#8211; Complex Networks and Mobility<br>&#8211; Biological and Technological Networks<br>&#8211; Mobile call Complex Networks<br>&#8211; Bio&#8211;informatics and Earth Sciences Applications<br>&#8211; Resilience and Robustness<br>&#8211; Networks for Physical Infrastructures<br>&#8211; Networks, Smart Cities and Smart Grids<br>&#8211; Political networks<br>