Real–world entities often interconnect with each other through explicit or implicit relationships to form a complex network. Examples of complex networks are found in many fields of science such as biological systems, engineering systems, economic systems as well as social systems. The international workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from different science communities working on areas related to complex networks. The workshop targets two types of contributions from prospective authors: contributions dealing of theoretical tools and methods to solve practical problems as well as applications solved by tools from network sciences. Both contributions should stimulate interaction between theoreticians and practitioners.<br>Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and applied papers on their research in complex networks.<br>Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:<br>– Models of Complex Networks<br>– Structural Network Properties<br>– Complex Networks and Epidemics<br>– Community Structure & Discovery<br>– Motif Discovery<br>– Complex Networks Mining<br>– Dynamics on and of Complex Networks<br>– Link Prediction<br>– Multiplex Networks<br>– Network Controllability<br>– Synchronization in Networks<br>– Algorithms for Network Analysis<br>– Networks Visual Representation<br>– Large–scale Graph Analytics<br>– Social Reputation, Influence, and Trust<br>– Information Spreading in Social Media<br>– Rumor and Viral Marketing<br>– Recommendation Systems and Networks<br>– Financial and Economic Networks<br>– Complex Networks and Mobility<br>– Biological and Technological Networks<br>– Mobile call Complex Networks<br>– Bio–informatics and Earth Sciences Applications<br>– Resilience and Robustness<br>– Networks for Physical Infrastructures<br>– Networks, Smart Cities and Smart Grids<br>– Political networks<br>
Deadline Paper
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