Santiago de Compostela
Deadline Paper
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End Date

Euro&#8211;Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to full&#8211;fledged applications, from architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support infrastructures, and application performance aspects&#046; Euro&#8211;Par’s unique organization into topics provides an excellent forum for focused technical discussion, as well as interaction with a large, broad and diverse audience&#046;<br>Scope<br>We invite submissions of high&#8211;quality, novel and original research results in areas of parallel and distributed computing covered by the following topics:<br>Support Tools and Environments<br>Performance and Power Modeling, Prediction and Evaluation<br>Scheduling and Load Balancing<br>High performance Architectures and Compilers<br>Parallel and Distributed Data Management and Analytics<br>Cluster and Cloud Computing<br>Distributed Systems and Algorithms<br>Parallel and Distributed Programming, Interfaces, and Languages<br>Multicore and Manycore Parallelism<br>Theory and Algorithms for Parallel Computation and Networking<br>Parallel Numerical Methods and Applications<br>Accelerator Computing<br>The conference will feature contributed and invited talks&#046; Co&#8211;located workshops are also planned&#046; See also the Paper Submission section&#046;<br>