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The 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP&#8211;2017) will be held in Bristol, UK during August 14&#8211;17, 2017&#046; (Please note that this is the REAL International Conference on Parallel Processing&#046; In recent years, an "imposter" web site on parallel processing has been appearing with this year&#8242;s "imposter" venue in Rome, Italy&#046;)<br>Scope<br>Parallel and distributed computing is a central topic in science, engineering and society&#046; ICPP, the International Conference on Parallel Processing, provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing&#046;<br>ICPP 2017 will be organized around the following tracks:<br>Architecture, including processor; memory; I/O; network; instruction&#8211;, thread&#8211; and data&#8211;level parallelism; accelerators &amp; other special&#8211;purpose hardware; power&#8211;aware/energy&#8211;efficient; performance<br>Algorithms, including combinatorial and numerical; scheduling; power&#8211; aware/energy&#8211;efficient; machine learning; modeling &amp; analysis; scalability<br>Applications, including big data; data analytics; computational science &amp; engineering (e&#046;g&#046;, aerospace, arts; biology, finance, geology); scalability<br>Software, including systems software; middleware; programming models, languages, and environments; compilers; operating systems; run&#8211;time systems; resource management; performance modeling and evaluation<br>