San Diego
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date

Proposals are solicited for workshops to be held in conjunction with 18th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2017), August 4&#8211;6, 2017, San Diego, California, USA&#046; In the current information&#8211;centric IT landscape, effectively processing and integrating humungous volumes of information from diverse sources in order to enable effective decision making and knowledge generation has become one of the most significant challenges of current times&#046; The field of Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) seeks to maximize the reuse of information by creating simple, rich, and reusable knowledge representations and consequently explores strategies for integrating this knowledge into systems and applications&#046; IRI plays a pivotal role in the capture, representation, maintenance, integration, validation, and extrapolation of information; and applies both information and knowledge for enhancing decision&#8211;making in various application domains&#046;<br>Each workshop will provide a forum to address a specific topic at the forefront of information reuse and integration&#046; A workshop must be a full or half&#8211;day in length&#046; All workshop papers will be included in the conference proceedings and on IEEE Xplore&#046;<br>Conference website: http://www&#046;sis&#046;pitt&#046;edu/iri2017/call_workshop&#046;html<… for new workshops must include:<br>&#8211; Workshop title<br>&#8211; A draft "Call for Papers" articulating the scope and topics covered by the workshop<br>&#8211; A brief summary and justification for the workshop, including anticipated benefits to the IRI community<br>&#8211; Planned activities<br>&#8211; Expected number of submissions and acceptance rate<br>&#8211; Expected number of attendees<br>&#8211; Program chair(s), and, if available, tentative program committee<br>&#8211; A one&#8211;paragraph biographical sketch of each organizer, describing relevant qualifications, including research and conference/workshop organizing experience<br>