ISS Europe
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<div><span style="color:#696969;">The “Silicon” chip sits at the heart of the digital revolution – currently transforming the way that we live, work, and manufacture&#046; It is the crucial link between enabling innovation provided by the Research &amp; Development community in Europe and the huge array of systems and applications that can be derived from that innovation&#046; Together, this makes up the European Electronics Value Chain, the backbone of industrial and social development&#046;</span></div> <div> </div> <div><span style="color:#696969;">No link in the value chain can exist in isolation and the importance of close relationships along the chain cannot be over emphasised enough&#046; Without collaboration in research innovation, subsequent industrial exploitation will not occur&#046; Without strong partnerships in application and system development, products cannot be designed and manufactured&#046; And without the value chain operating as an integrated innovation and supply network, the short cycle times required to compete in the global market cannot be achieved&#046; These two key activities, linked through the wafer or chip, will be explored at ISS Europe 2017 – providing attendees with insights and ideas to fully exploit the opportunities that come with the digital revolution&#046;</span></div> <div><br><span style="color:#696969;">The symposium will provide practical insight into the applications now driving the development of our industry and how all the key links in the value chain can and must work together to create and maintain industrial leadership&#046; It will address the fundamental technology development that must occur to enable this leadership&#046; Finally, it will provide information as to what this means to the markets that the industry serves – markets that are being revolutionised as the digital economy develops&#046;<br>With a combination of inspiring presentations, unparalleled networking amongst senior industry leaders, ISS Europe provides participants with an environment to help stimulate ideas and strategies to take advantage of the opportunities that are rapidly developing in our industry&#046;<br></span></div>