United Arab Emirates
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Third International Conference on Information Technology, Control, Chaos, Modeling and Applications (ITCCMA&#8211;2017) is organized by AIRCC&#8242;s Computer Science &amp; Information Technology Community (CSITC)&#046;<br>ITCCMA&#8211;2017 will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in the fields of Information Technology, Control Systems, Chaos, Computer Modeling, Computer Science and applications&#046; The Conference looks for significant contributions to all major fields of the Information Technology, Control Systems, Chaos and Modeling in theoretical and practical aspects&#046; The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting&#8211;edge development in the field&#046;<br>All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another conference or journal<br>Topics of Interest :<br>Algorithms and applications<br>Hyperchaos and applications<br>Artificial intelligence<br>Information technology and IT management<br>Automation systems<br>Intelligent systems<br>Bioinformatics<br>Mobile and ubiquitous computing<br>Chaos theory and applications<br>Modelling and simulation of systems<br>Compiler design<br>Multimedia systems and services<br>Computer architecture and real time systems<br>Networking and communications<br>Computer modelling and applications<br>Neural networks and fuzzy Logic<br>Control Systems<br>Operating systems<br>Database and data mining<br>Programming languages and performance evaluation<br>Distributed and parallel systems<br>Remote sensing<br>Digital image processing and pattern recognition<br>Robotics and applications<br>Digital signal processing<br>Scientific and financial computing<br>Embedded systems and software<br>Security and information systems<br>Evolutionary algorithms and applications<br>Signal and image processing<br>Fault detection and isolation<br>Soft computing techniques<br>Game theory and software engineering<br>Software engineering<br>Genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing<br>Speech synthesis<br>Geographical information systems<br>System identification and control<br>Green computing<br>Theoretical computer science<br>Grid computing and scalable computing<br>Web technology<br>Hybrid intelligent systems<br>Wireless communication systems<br>