Ciudad Juárez
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The purpose of this e&#8211;mail is to invite you to participate in the 2017 Workshop on Security in equipment to the IoT (SEIoT), which is organized by Arturo Lezama León, José Miguel Liceaga Ortiz de la Peña and José Juan Zarate Corona from Polytechnic University of Pachuca&#046; CoRob will be held in Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on March 29&#8211;31, 2017, in conjunction with the main conference The Eight International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2017)&#046;<br>The attack DDos (Distributed Denial of Service) that affected large e&#8211;commerce companies, and social networks, achievement paralyze their transactions for a day, and attack virtually attributed, through a system consisting of devices through, Internet of things, composed of a number of appliances connected to each other, managed to encourage resettle possibilities to continue their work&#046; We expect if these large corporations that keep their electronic services on the network can not support adequate solutions will then investigate from the beginning, designing new protocols that control the media adopted&#046; It is expected to get a response from the community to integrate ways to stay connected, from a position of respect and allow Projects Agency Defense Advanced Research US (DARPA for its acronym in English) is organizing a Cyber Grand Challenge competition for the annual conference DEF CON Hacking&#046;<br>1&#046; Topics<br>The proposed workshop will address the following themes, but not limited to:<br>&#8211; Artificial Intelligence<br>&#8211; User Interfaces and Human computer interaction<br>&#8211; Neural networks<br>&#8211; Cryptography<br>&#8211; Classification and pattern recognition<br>&#8211; Nonlinear signal processing<br>&#8211; Science Computing<br>&#8211; Theory of computation: agents<br>&#8211; Computer communication network<br>&#8211; Software engineering, programming and operating systems<br>&#8211; Information systems applications<br>&#8211; Image processing and computer visión<br>&#8211; Distributed systems<br>&#8211; Microcontrollers<br>&#8211; Operation research<br>&#8211; Decision theory<br>&#8211; Computer graphics<br>&#8211; Communication engineering<br>&#8211; Pattern recognition<br>&#8211; Simulation and modeling<br>&#8211; Informatic Security<br>&#8211; Biomedical engineering<br>