** Track on 5G Radio and Wireless Communications<br>– Physical layer and MAC layer design for cellular and other wireless networks<br>– Dynamic scheduling, power control, interference management, and QoS management in 5G wireless networks<br>– Resource Management and Control in 5G RAN (e.g. RAN Moderation, Traffic Steering, Mobility Control)<br>– Service–oriented user–plane design concepts (novel functions, functional placements, RAN/CN interface)<br>– Topology, deployment, and optimization of wireless networks, including heterogeneous, ultra dense, and mesh networks, device to device (D2D) communication, relays and wireless backhaul<br>– Dynamic radio access and backhaul topologies based on moving and unplanned small cells<br>– mmWave access, backhaul and self–backhauling<br>– Application of SDN, NFV, and cloud computing to 5G (and legacy) RAN and core network architectures and implementations, such as network slicing<br>– C–RAN and flexible fronthaul / backhaul<br>– R&D and standardization activities towards 5G and IMT–2020<br>– Green and energy efficient wireless networks<br>– Massive and FD–MIMO communications, hybrid and coordinated beamforming technology<br>– New control signaling for heterogeneous networks<br>– Next–Generation Wi–Fi (IEEE 802.11ax/ay)<br>– LTE/Wi–Fi/Wi–Gig interworking and aggregation<br>– 5G operation and coexistence in unlicensed and shared spectrum bands<br>– Massive MTC (mMTC), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and long distance communications<br>– Automotive/V2X and ultra–reliable communications<br>– Next–generation non–RF communications systems (Visible light, molecular, acoustic systems)<br>– Spectrum regulation above 24GHz<br>– Results from simulation, prototyping, and experiments<br>** Track on IoT, massive MTC and V2X (3GPP, OneM2M, IETF)<br>– IoT architecture design and optimizations<br>– IoT security and privacy of IoT devices and services<br>– System optimization to support Ultra–Low complexity devices<br>– Standardised semantic data description framework and technologies<br>– IoT communication procedure enhancements<br>– Experience and lessons learnt for standards based IoT large scale pilots<br>– IoT standards platforms interworking<br>– IoT interoperability methodologies<br>– IoT standards gap analysis<br>– 5G Networks and IoT<br>– Software Defined Network (SDN) and IoT<br>– Industrial Internet of Things<br>– Factory of Things<br>– Edge Computing, Fog Computing and IoT<br>– IPv6–based IoT Networks<br>– IoT protocols such as IPv6, 6LoWPAN, RPL, 6TiSCH, WoT<br>– IoT security in the sense of massive IoT deployments, e.g., embedded SIM management<br>– URLLC for mission critical IoT<br>– V2X standards and architectures<br>** Track on Softwarization and Network slicing<br>– Programmable Architecture for 5G services and verticals.<br>– Cross–slice management<br>– Central Cloud Computing vs Edge–Fog Computing.<br>– 5G Functional Decomposition and Deployment.<br>– Secure Operations in Future Virtualized Networks.<br>– Resource Management for Network Slicing.<br>– Dedicated core network functions and shared network slices.<br>– Network slicing issues with multi–RATs devices.<br>– Cross–slice management for End–to– end QoS.<br>– Elastic Resource sharing in Virtualized Networks.<br>– Joint storage, computational, and communication resource optimization.<br>– Fundamental trade–offs in Network Softwarization.<br>– Experimentation experience in Softwarization and Network Slicing.<br>– SDN and NFV frameworks and architectures<br>– SDN northbound, southbound and east–west interfaces.<br>– SDN programming languages and data models.<br>– Progress and future challenges in ETSI NFV.<br>– Progress and future challenges in IETF/IRTF related WGs/RGs.<br>– SDN and NFV in wireless and mobile networks.<br>– Orchestration and Management in SDN and NFV.<br>– Multi–domain considerations in SDN and NFV.<br>– SDN and NFV in multi–tenancy environment.<br>– Open Source efforts (e.g., ETSI NFV, OPNFV, OpenStack, OpenMANO).<br>– QoS/QoE aspects related to SDN and NFV based network services.<br>– Inter/Intra Data Center considerations for hosting SDN and NFV based network services.<br>– Performance, Fault and Lifecycle management of virtualized network functions and network services.<br>– Infrastructure resource/capacity management.<br>– Carrier–grade performance considerations in SDN and NFV based infrastructures.<br>** Track on 5G Fixed Carrier and Converged Networks<br>– Architectural approaches addressing convergence of fixed and mobile heterogeneous network solution<br>– Analysis and considerations for common VNFs across fixed and mobile networks<br>– SDN solutions and control/data plane separation in converged fixed–mobile networks<br>– Network slicing for converged fixed–mobile networks<br>– Multi–tenancy and control of heterogeneous infrastructures<br>– Transporting 5G mobile services over optical access networks<br>– SDN solutions for mobile networks and fixed IP cross layer transport and routing<br>– Convergence of access and metro networks for cost effective support of 5G services<br>– Convergence of multiple and diverse services over a shared, multi–tenant network architecture<br>– 5G architectures supporting Cloud–RAN and functional split options<br>– 5G architectures supporting fronthaul/backhaul integration<br>– End–to– end resource optimization for 5G mobile services: from radio head to data centre<br>– Backhauk/fronthaul considerations for dynamic capacity and mobility management<br>– Delivering services over ICN in 5G within a framework enabling network slicing<br>– Enhancing 5G backhauk/fronthaul with ICN<br>– Mechanisms and protocol enhancements for Hybrid Access networks<br>** Track on Verticals, Services and Applications<br>– Specific applications/services for automotive and cooperative vehicles<br>– Specific applications/services for robotics and factories of the future<br>– Specific applications/services for eHealth and mHealth<br>– Specific applications/services for media and entertainment vertical<br>– Specific applications/services for the energy industry<br>– Introduction of ETSI MEC technology and applications on vertical market segments<br>– New introduction of end–user applications at the edge of the communication network<br>– Standardization under W3C and standards for future web interoperability<br>– Web standardization for interactivity and human interactions with web platforms<br>– Specific applications/services for eEducation<br>– Interoperability for end–to– end mobile services<br>– Standard architectures for service enablers including integrated networks such as mobile, fixed, satellite and optical<br>– Open interfaces and open source platforms<br>– IETF standardization for CPS<br>– Development of mobile service enablers specifications & Standards<br>– Standard architectures for delivery of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and/or Object–Based–Broadcasting by next generation communication systems<br>
Deadline Paper
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