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ESORICS is the annual European research event in Computer Security&#046; The Symposium started in 1990 and has been held in several European countries, attracting a wide international audience from both the academic and industrial communities&#046; Papers offering novel research contributions in computer security are solicited for submission to the Symposium&#046; The primary focus is on original, high quality, unpublished research and implementation experiences&#046; We encourage submissions of papers discussing industrial research and development&#046;<br>Topics of Interest<br>&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>* access control<br>* accountability<br>* ad hoc networks<br>* anonymity<br>* applied cryptography<br>* authentication<br>* biometrics<br>* data and computation integrity<br>* database security<br>* data protection<br>* digital content protection<br>* digital forensics<br>* distributed systems security<br>* embedded systems security<br>* inference control<br>* information hiding<br>* identity management<br>* information flow control<br>* information security governance and management<br>* intrusion detection<br>* formal security methods<br>* language&#8211;based security<br>* network security<br>* phishing and spam prevention<br>* privacy<br>* privacy preserving data mining<br>* risk analysis and management<br>* secure electronic voting<br>* security architectures<br>* security economics<br>* security metrics<br>* security models<br>* security and privacy for big data<br>* security and privacy in cloud scenarios<br>* security and privacy in complex systems<br>* security and privacy in content centric networking<br>* security and privacy in crowdsourcing<br>* security and privacy in the IoT<br>* security and privacy in location services<br>* security and privacy for mobile code<br>* security and privacy in pervasive / ubiquitous computing<br>* security and privacy policies<br>* security and privacy in social networks<br>* security and privacy in web services<br>* security and privacy in cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>* security, privacy and resilience in critical infrastructures<br>* security verification<br>* software security<br>* systems security<br>* trust models and management<br>* trustworthy user devices<br>* usable security and privacy<br>* web security<br>* wireless security<br>