Las Vegas
United States
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This series of International Conferences is jointly organized on a rotational basis among three institutions, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, and Coventry University, UK&#046; In August 2017, the 25th International Conference on Systems Engineering will be held in Las Vegas, NV, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA&#046; The proceedings are published in the IEEE Computer Society (CPS) series and will be indexed by ISI Thomson&#8242;s Scientific and Technical Proceedings, ISTP/ISI Proceedings, EI&#8242;s Engineering Information Index, Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS and Google Scholar&#046; Selected papers will be published in the Journal of Systems Science and the International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications&#046;<br>Scope of Conference:<br>The Conference will cover the general area of Systems Engineering, with particular emphasis being placed on applications&#046; It is expected to include sessions on the following themes:<br>Aero&#8211;Space Systems (Avionics, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Aviation Control)<br>General Control Systems (Control Theory, System Identification and Adaptive Control, Nonlinear Controls, Applications)<br>Power Systems (Environmental Systems, Energy Systems, Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy)<br>Intelligent Systems (Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, Fuzzy, Hybrid Systems, Applications)<br>Uncertain Systems<br>Machine Learning<br>Industrial Automation and Robotics<br>Information and Communication Systems (Information and Communication Theory, GIS, GPS, Applications)<br>Distributed Computer and Computer Networks Systems (Modeling and Analysis, Distributed and Wireless Systems,<br>Distributed Servers, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Networks)<br>Cloud Computing<br>Security (Networks, IoT, Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Cloud Computing)<br>Bigdata (Data Mining, Data Warehouses, Sensor Networks, Data Classification, Regression)<br>Internet of Things<br>Analog and Digital Hardware Systems (Realtime Systems, Embedded Systems, Hybrid Embedded Systems, Mixed Signal)<br>Gaming and Entertainment Systems (Technology, Security, Design, Tools)<br>Biometrics System (Sensors, Integration, Data Analysis, Verification Techniques)<br>Biosurveillance Systems (Heterogeneous Data Sources, Monitoring Techniques, Signal Detection Algorithms, Privacy)<br>Systems Engineering Standards, Modeling, Paradigms, Metrics, Testing, Management, Optimization, Simulation, Scheduling, Reliability and Fault Tolerant<br>Systems Engineering Education<br>Computer Assisted Medical Diagnostic Systems (Single and Multiple Modality Medical Data Analysis, Expert Systems, Prompting Systems, Databases, Performance Evaluation)<br>Environmental Systems<br>