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Services today are developed independently, deployed as well as freely<br>composed, and they can be implemented in a variety of technologies, a fact<br>that is of particular importance from a business perspective&#046; Similarly,<br>cloud computing aims at enabling mobility as well as device, platform and/or<br>service independence by offering centralized sharing of resources&#046; The<br>industry&#8242;s need for agile and flexible software and IT systems has made<br>cloud computing the dominating paradigm for provisioning computational<br>resources in a scalable, on&#8211;demand fashion&#046; Nevertheless, service<br>developers, providers, and integrators still need to create methods, tools<br>and techniques to support cost&#8211;effective and secure development and use of<br>dependable devices, platforms, services and service&#8211;oriented applications in<br>the cloud&#046;<br>###Special Track Internet of Things###<br>In parallel to the rise of cloud computing, there is an ongoing penetration<br>of business and personal spaces with Internet of Things (IoT) devices&#046;<br>Services and cloud computing have been named as primary enabling<br>technologies for the IoT, while the IoT vice versa leads to new requirements<br>and solution approaches for the fields of service&#8211;oriented computing and<br>cloud computing&#046; Therefore, ESOCC 2017 will host a Special Track on IoT<br>research, covering topics at the intersection of the IoT and<br>service&#8211;oriented and cloud computing, but also taking into account<br>non&#8211;service driven IoT research&#046;<br>###Topics of Interest###<br>ESOCC 2017 seeks original, high quality papers related to all aspects of<br>service&#8211;oriented computing and cloud computing&#046; Specific topics of interest<br>include but are not limited to:<br>* Service and Cloud Core Topics<br>&#8211; Business Process Management and Services<br>&#8211; Cloud Interoperability and Federation<br>&#8211; (Cloud) Service Management and Composition<br>&#8211; Dynamic and Adaptive Services<br>&#8211; Enterprise Architecture and Services<br>&#8211; Energy Issues in Clouds<br>&#8211; Formal Methods for Services and Cloud Computing<br>&#8211; Service Governance<br>&#8211; Service Life Cycles<br>* Service and Cloud Engineering<br>&#8211; Architectural Models for Cloud Computing<br>&#8211; Container Deployment<br>&#8211; Frameworks for Building Service&#8211;Based Applications<br>&#8211; Model&#8211;Driven Service Engineering<br>&#8211; Self&#8211;Organizing Service&#8211;Oriented and Cloud Architectures<br>&#8211; Service Design Guidelines<br>&#8211; Service Security and Privacy<br>* Business and Social Aspects of Service and Cloud Management<br>&#8211; Crowdsourcing Business Services<br>&#8211; Social and Crowd&#8211;based Cloud<br>&#8211; Service and Cloud Business Models<br>&#8211; Core Applications, e&#046;g&#046;, Big Data, Commerce, Energy, Finance,<br>Health, Scientific Computing, Smart Cities<br>* Technologies<br>&#8211; DevOps in the Cloud<br>&#8211; Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds<br>&#8211; Microservices Deployment and Management<br>&#8211; Next Generation Services Middleware and Service Repositories<br>&#8211; RESTful Clouds and Services<br>* Internet of Things &#8211; Special Track<br>&#8211; Embedded and Real&#8211;Time Services<br>&#8211; Fog/Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Fog to (Multi&#8211;)Cloud Solutions<br>&#8211; IoT Delivery Models<br>&#8211; IoT Service Engineering<br>&#8211; IoT Services and IoT Clouds<br>&#8211; Mobile Clouds and Mobile Services<br>