South Korea
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The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Seoul Chapter, Japan Chapter, Singapore Chapter and Taipei Chapter are cooperatively hosting Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) every year&#046; This symposium aims at providing the platform for researchers from the Asia&#8211;Pacific area to share fresh results, call for comments or collaborations and exchange innovative ideas of the leading edge research in wireless technologies&#046;<br>You are cordially invited to submit your recent research work to the 14th IEEE VTS APWCS 2017&#046; The interested technical fields include, but are not limited to:<br>Antennas, propagation and channel modeling<br>Cognitive radios<br>Compressive sensing for wireless communications<br>D2D communications<br>Dynamic spectrum management<br>Game theory applications<br>Green communications<br>Information theory<br>Localization<br>Microwave devices and systems<br>Mobile radio communication systems<br>Modulation and coding<br>Network security<br>Mobility management<br>M2M communications<br>Radio resource allocation and QoS provisioning<br>Satellite communications<br>Signal processing for communications<br>Space time processing and MIMO systems<br>Spread spectrum systems<br>TVWS communications<br>Ultra wideband technology<br>Vehicular communications<br>Wireless ad&#8211;hoc and sensor networks<br>Wireless network architecture, etc&#046;<br>