San Francisco
United States
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Modern systems such as cloud computing, distributed systems, ubiquitous computing, and cyber&#8211;physical systems are complex, especially when dealing with dynamics in the ever&#8211;changing environment&#046; It is desired to look for inspiration in diverse areas (e&#046;g&#046;, system design, software development, big data, control theory, artificial intelligence, IoT) to develop new ways to design and mange such complex systems&#046; There are two main challenges: identify and predict the behaviors of complex systems from changing architectures, and develop dependable solutions of adaptation to handle the dynamics in the systems&#046;<br>This workshop and Adaptability, Dependability, and Mobility in Complex Systems is a forum to bring together scientists, researchers, and practitioners interested in self&#8211;adaptation, system design and development, particularly with emphasis on reliability, availability, and security&#046; We welcome original research papers and practical experience reports&#046;<br>The topics of interest to the ADMCS workshop include, but are not limited to:<br>・ Theory and practice of adaptation: mechanisms for adaptation, including adaptability, dependability, elasticity, extensibility, mobility, stability, self&#8211;reference and reflection of cloud computing<br>・ Theory and practice of organization: self&#8211;organization, change requirements in dynamic of distributed systems, sensor networks, distributed residential energy systems, ubiquitous computing, and the general use of rules, policies in self&#8211;* systems<br>・ Theory and practice of Big data: self&#8211;adaptive big data algorithms, applications, services, big data mining and analytics, big data visualization<br>・ System theory: nature&#8211;inspired and socially&#8211;inspired paradigms and heuristics, inter&#8211;operation of self&#8211;* mechanisms, theoretical frameworks and models<br>・ Systems engineering: reusable mechanisms and algorithms, service&#8211;oriented architecture; optimal control, design patterns, fault tolerance, reliability and availability of middleware, development frameworks and methods, platforms and toolkits, multi&#8211;agent systems, failure detection, failure recovery, and self&#8211;stabilization in complex systems<br>・ Applications and experiences with self&#8211;* systems in any of the following domains are of particular interest:<br>➢ Cloud storage: data management and storage, resource management; quality of Service (QoS), replication<br>➢ Smart systems: smart grids, smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, smart objects, etc<br>➢ Autonomous systems: aerial vehicles; undersea vehicles; autonomous robotics<br>➢ Internet of Things: self&#8211;* for network management; self&#8211;* applied to cyber security<br>➢ Industrial automation: embedded self&#8211;* systems; adaptive logistics and transport systems; Industry 4&#046;0; traffic optimization; cyber physical systems<br>