Modern systems such as cloud computing, distributed systems, ubiquitous computing, and cyber–physical systems are complex, especially when dealing with dynamics in the ever–changing environment. It is desired to look for inspiration in diverse areas (e.g., system design, software development, big data, control theory, artificial intelligence, IoT) to develop new ways to design and mange such complex systems. There are two main challenges: identify and predict the behaviors of complex systems from changing architectures, and develop dependable solutions of adaptation to handle the dynamics in the systems.<br>This workshop and Adaptability, Dependability, and Mobility in Complex Systems is a forum to bring together scientists, researchers, and practitioners interested in self–adaptation, system design and development, particularly with emphasis on reliability, availability, and security. We welcome original research papers and practical experience reports.<br>The topics of interest to the ADMCS workshop include, but are not limited to:<br>・ Theory and practice of adaptation: mechanisms for adaptation, including adaptability, dependability, elasticity, extensibility, mobility, stability, self–reference and reflection of cloud computing<br>・ Theory and practice of organization: self–organization, change requirements in dynamic of distributed systems, sensor networks, distributed residential energy systems, ubiquitous computing, and the general use of rules, policies in self–* systems<br>・ Theory and practice of Big data: self–adaptive big data algorithms, applications, services, big data mining and analytics, big data visualization<br>・ System theory: nature–inspired and socially–inspired paradigms and heuristics, inter–operation of self–* mechanisms, theoretical frameworks and models<br>・ Systems engineering: reusable mechanisms and algorithms, service–oriented architecture; optimal control, design patterns, fault tolerance, reliability and availability of middleware, development frameworks and methods, platforms and toolkits, multi–agent systems, failure detection, failure recovery, and self–stabilization in complex systems<br>・ Applications and experiences with self–* systems in any of the following domains are of particular interest:<br>➢ Cloud storage: data management and storage, resource management; quality of Service (QoS), replication<br>➢ Smart systems: smart grids, smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, smart objects, etc<br>➢ Autonomous systems: aerial vehicles; undersea vehicles; autonomous robotics<br>➢ Internet of Things: self–* for network management; self–* applied to cyber security<br>➢ Industrial automation: embedded self–* systems; adaptive logistics and transport systems; Industry 4.0; traffic optimization; cyber physical systems<br>
San Francisco
United States
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