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The fifth IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on November 14&#8211;16, 2017&#046; GlobalSIP is a flagship IEEE Signal Processing Society conference&#046; It focuses on signal and information processing with an emphasis on up&#8211;and&#8211;coming signal processing themes&#046; The conference features world&#8211;class plenary speeches, distinguished Symposium talks, tutorials, exhibits, oral and poster sessions, and panels&#046; GlobalSIP is comprised of co&#8211;located General Symposium and symposia selected based on responses to the call&#8211;for&#8211;symposia proposals&#046; Topics include but are not limited to:<br>Signal and information processing for<br>communications and networks, including green communications<br>optical communications<br>forensics and security<br>finance<br>energy and power systems (e&#046;g&#046;, smart grid)<br>genomics and bioengineering (physiological, pharmacological and behavioral)<br>neural networks, including deep learning<br>Image and video processing<br>Selected topics in speech processing and human language technologies<br>Human machine interfaces<br>Multimedia transmission, indexing, retrieval, and quality of experience<br>Selected topics in statistical signal processing<br>Cognitive communications and radar<br>Graph&#8211;theoretic signal processing<br>Machine learning<br>Compressed sensing and sparsity aware processing<br>Seismic signal processing<br>Big data and social media challenges<br>Hardware and real&#8211;time implementations<br>Other (industrial) emerging applications of signal and information processing&#046;<br>