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You are invited to participate in The First International Conference on Landmine: Detection, Clearance and Legislations (LDCL2017) that will be held in Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Campus of Hadath, Beirut, Lebanon on April 26&#8211;28, 2017 in partnership with Centre National de Recherche Scientifique – Liban and Politecnico Di Torino&#046; The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art lectures&#046;<br>The conference welcome papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics:<br>Landmine Detection<br>Global Ban on Landmines<br>Legal Aspects of the Landmine Issue<br>Policies on Anti&#8211;personnel Mines<br>Landmine&#8211;free Zones<br>Production, stockpiling and transfer<br>Landmines and Mines<br>Land, ocean, atmosphere and space sensors<br>Mine Detection and Sensing Technologies<br>Signal processing and analysis<br>Signal communication<br>Detection and decision<br>Anti&#8211;vehicle mines<br>Anti&#8211;personnel mines<br>Landmine issues<br>Landmine problem and mine action<br>Landmine Contamination<br>Landmine incidents and casualties<br>Landmine survivor assistance<br>Landmine resource centers for mine awareness<br>Landmine impact survey and assessments<br>Landmine Clearance<br>Landmine Clearance<br>Undertaking Mines Awareness<br>Demining<br>Manual Demining<br>Use of Animals, Insects and Bacteria<br>Mechanical demining<br>Landmine Clearance Technologies and standards<br>Emergency Care for Landmine Survivors<br>Robots and Humanitarian Demining<br>Radar and Electromagnetic Waves<br>Tracking Survivors and Documenting Experiences<br>Funding for Landmine Clearance and Victim Assistance<br>Landmine sweepers<br>Landmine detonation techniques<br>Landmine training courses<br>Landmine protection and design<br>Landmine Legislations<br>Mine Ban Policy<br>Landmine Ban Initiative<br>Monitoring Landmine Convention<br>Amendments to the Landmine Protocol<br>Ratification and National implementation<br>Convention on antipersonnel mines destruction<br>Prohibition of Antipersonnel Mines Production<br>International Campaign to Ban Landmines<br>Case studies in National Implementation<br>