ISFOE is the biggest scientific & technology event in Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics (OEs), that promotes the Research, Technology and Innovation in OE nanomaterials, Manufacturing Processes, Devices and Applications and Solutions.<br>During ISFOE17 you will meet with other world–class scientists, engineers, people from industry and policy makers to discuss and exchange ideas on the hottest topics and progress on OEs.<br>The ISFOE Program consists of Workshops and Sessions focused on:<br>– Organic and Large Area Electronic (OLAE) materials (polymer and small molecule organic semiconductors, transparent electrodes, barriers for encapsulation)<br>– Manufacturing Processes, Fabrication and Quality Control for Industrial Applications<br>– Organic Photovoltaics & Perovskites<br>– Graphene and related materials<br>– Biosensors & Bioelectronics<br>– OLEDs for Displays and Lighting<br>– OTFTs and Circuits<br>– Laser Technologies & Patterning<br>– Printing, Vacuum and OVPD Equipment and Technologies<br>– Computational Modelling at Nanoscale to Mesoscale<br>– Smart Textiles & Wearable Technologies<br>– Internet of Things (IoT)<br>– Integrated Systems and Sensors<br>Advance your knowledge to:<br>– solve problems related to nanomaterials (e.g. morphology, phase separation, interfaces, charge generation & transport, up–scalability to large area processes) and to devices,<br>– progress on the theoretical modelling & computational methods,<br>– advance the understanding of the basic mechanisms & phenomena and establish the structure–property relationships that will allow the market implementation of OE devices.<br>Discuss the latest advances on:<br>Device Architectures, Large Scale Processes, in–line Metrology and Quality Control Tools, and Manufacturing Processes for numerous OE devices such as OPVs, OLEDs, OTFTs, Sensors and Biosensors for applications in Energy, Lighting, Displays, Electronics, Nanobiomedicine, Smart Textiles, Wearables, Food Packaging, Greenhouses and many more<br>
Heraklion, Crete
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