Big Data
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Scope: Big Data addresses the challenge to store, search, share, learn, visualize, and analyze massive datasets in forms of structured or unstructured data&#046; The effective process, learn, and analysis of the Big Data has been evidenced for bringing us substantial commercial benefits for a variety of applications&#046; The conventional methods are limited to provide desirable operations on effective Big Data analytics&#046; The Big Data workshop 2017 (2017 BigData) is to promote the research works in this emerging area of Big Data&#8211;inspired computing, networks, systems, learning, and applications&#046; 2017 BigData, held in conjunction with CyberC 2017, aims to provide an informative forum for R&amp;D discussions and presentation of new ideas and research results on the broad topics of Big Data Research, Development, and Applications&#046; It solicits high&#8211;quality papers that illustrate novel Big Data models, machine learning, architecture and infrastructure, management, search and processing, security and privacy, applications, surveys and industrial experiences&#046; Authors of 2017 BigData are promoted to freely enjoy CyberC 2017 and Big Data Summit&#046; Both of the events are co&#8211;sponsored and participated by several Big Data related industry companies&#046;<br>Authors are cordially invited to submit original research papers in any aspects of Big Data with emphasis on but are not limited to the following topics:<br>Big Data Theory and Foundation<br>· Theoretical and Computational Models for Big Data<br>· Information Quantitative and Qualitative for Big Data<br>· Theories and Methodologies for Big Data Processing<br>· Architectures and Designs of Big Data Processing Systems<br>· Machine Learning Theory for Big Data<br>Big Data Infrastructure<br>· Big Data Streaming Platforms for real&#8211;time data analytics<br>· Cloud/Grid/Stream Computing for Big Data<br>· High Performance/Parallel Computing Platforms for Big Data<br>· System Architectures, Platforms, Design, and Deployment for Big Data<br>· Energy&#8211;efficient Computing for Big Data<br>· Programming Models and Environments for Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing<br>Big Data Management<br>· Advanced Database and Web Applications for Big Data<br>· Data Model and Structure for Big Data<br>· Data Preservation and Provenance<br>· Interfaces to Database Systems and Analytics Software<br>· Data and Information Integration and Fusion for Big Data<br>· Data Management for Mobile, Pervasive and Grid Computing<br>· Scientific and Social Data Management and Workflow Optimization<br>Big Data Machine Learning and Processing<br>· Advanced Big Data Machine Learning architecture and algorithms<br>· Big Data Search Architecture, Scalability, and Efficiency<br>· Algorithms and Architectures for Big Data Search, Mining and Processing<br>· Search, Store and Process Big Data in Distributed, Grid and Cloud Systems<br>· Semantic&#8211;based Big Data Analytics and Processing<br>· Multi&#8211;Structured Multi&#8211;Domain Big Data Fusion and Integration<br>· Ontology Representations and Processing in Big Data<br>· Automatic and Machine Learning Methods for Big Data<br>· Hadoop and MapReduce&#8211;based Approaches for Big Data Processing<br>Big Data Protection, Security, and Privacy<br>· Threat and Intrusion Detection for High&#8211;Speed Networks<br>· High Performance and Efficiency Data Cryptography<br>· Privacy Threats Analysis for Big Data Systems<br>· Visualizing Large&#8211;Scale Security Data<br>· Security and Risk in Big Data Processing<br>· Trust, Reputation and Recommendation Systems for Big Data Systems<br>· Privacy and Security Preservation for Multi&#8211;Level Security (MLS) Cross&#8211;domain Big Data Computing System<br>Big Data Applications<br>· Big Data Applications and Software in Science, Engineering, Healthcare, Finance, Business, Transportation, Telecommunications, etc&#046;<br>· Big Data Analytics in Small Business Enterprises, Public Sector and Government&#046;<br>· Big Data Industry Standards<br>· Development and Deployment Experiences with Big Data Systems&#046;<br>