The ESM′2017 (The 31st annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference) is the original international European conference concerned with state of the art technology in modelling and simulation. ESM′2017 aims to provide an overview of academic research in the field of computer simulation. A number of major tracks of simulation research are presented next to specific workshops, which capture the art and science of present–day simulation research.<br>ESM′2017 covers simulation methodology, simulation applications, specialised workshops, the exhibition and last but not least the poster sessions for students.<br>All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings (both print and electronic format), that will be copyrighted and widely disseminated. All talks and tutorials, must be accompanied by a paper of between three to eight Proceedings pages.<br>Themes<br>The conference covers the following themes for which papers can be submitted:<br>– Modelling Methodology<br>– Modelling Simulation Tools<br>– Object–Orientation and Re–use<br>– Random Simulation and applications<br>– Discrete Simulation Modelling Techniques and Tools<br>– Simulation and AI<br>– AI and Expert Systems<br>– AI and Neural Networks<br>– AI and Fuzzy Systems<br>– Agent Based Simulation<br>– Simulation and Optimization<br>– High Performance/Parallel and Large Scale Computing<br>– Simulation in Education and Graphics/Data Visualization<br>– Simulation in Environmental Ecology, Biology and Marine Biology<br>– Simulation in Biological Systems and Medicine<br>– Analytical and Numerical Modelling Techniques<br>– Web Based Simulation<br>– Cloud Based Simulation<br>– Physics modelling and Cosmological Simulation<br>– Poster Session<br>– Student Session<br>– Tutorials<br>– Exhibition<br>
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