Usability and accessibility issues are common causes for software failing to meet user requirements. However, requirements engineers often focus on functional requirements and may not sufficiently consider usability and accessibility requirements. This high risk practice can lead to project and software failure. Conversely, when poorly done, improving the usability and accessibility requirements during development can be very costly, time consuming, and even ineffective. Targeting these concerns, the workshop addresses the integration of system usability and accessibility requirements into the requirements engineering process, including processes for managing and controlling the evaluation of these requirements in a systematic way.<br>TOPICS<br>–––––––<br>The UsARE 2017 workshop is dedicated to observations, concepts, approaches, frameworks and practices that promote understanding, facilitating, and increasing the awareness of the role of system usability and accessibility requirements and their proper integration into requirement engineering.<br>The UsARE 2017 workshop strongly encourages submissions that focus on usability and accessibility requirements for IOT (Internet of Things) including mobile and wearable computing, but submissions on other relevant topics are also welcome.<br>Topics of interest for paper submissions include, but are not limited to methodologies, frameworks, concepts, and tool support for:<br>– User–centered requirements engineering<br>* Elicitation, representation, and negotiation of usability and accessibility requirements<br>* Evaluation of usability and accessibility requirements<br>– Impacts of RE and usability/accessibility considerations on software design and development processes and products<br>– Usability and accessibility requirements management<br>– RE at run–time for usable and accessible, adaptable and adaptive systems<br>– Usability and accessibility requirements for mobile and distributed apps and services<br>
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