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<div class="rtejustify"> FDL is an international forum to exchange experiences and promote new trends in the application of languages, their associated design methods, and tools for the design of electronic systems&#046; FDL stimulates scientific and controversial discussions within and in&#8211;between scientific topics as described below&#046; The program structure includes research working sessions, embedded tutorials, panels, and technical discussions&#046; The forum includes tutorials and fringe meetings, such as user group or standardization meetings&#046; “Wild and Crazy Ideas” are also welcome&#046;<br>For all of these tracks, electronic systems of interest to FDL include (but once again are not limited to) those that are used in internet&#8211;of&#8211;things (IoT), cyber&#8211;physical systems (CPS), mixed criticality embedded systems, automatic driving and driver assistance, real&#8211;time systems, reconfigurable and secure computing&#046; <p> We welcome authors to submit manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:</p></div> <p> <strong>LFBDM: Language&#8211; and Formalism&#8211;Based Design Methodologies</strong></p> <div class="rtejustify"> This track seeks novel research contributions that employ languages and formalisms in the design, test, verification, and simulation of modern day electronic systems&#046; These contributions may consist of (but are not limited to) the use of requirements and property specifications (RSLs, PSLs, SVA, &#046;&#046;&#046;), models of computations, automata (xFSM), networks (process networks, petri nets, task networks), model and component&#8211;based design (UML, SysML, MARTE, &#046;&#046;&#046;), platform modeling and abstraction, and system&#8211;level design languages (SystemC(&#8211;AMS), Modelica, VHDL&#8211;AMS, SystemVerilog, Verilog&#8211;AMS,&#046;&#046;&#046;)&#046;</div> <p> <strong>TUMA: Techniques that Use Modern Architectures</strong></p> <div class="rtejustify"> This track seeks research contributions demonstrating effective techniques that use state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art computing architectures for the design and verification of electronic systems&#046; Examples may include (but not limited to) parallel simulation, compilers with support for multi/many&#8211;core and heterogeneous (GPUs, FPGAs) architectures, high&#8211;level hardware and software synthesis, virtual prototyping, and design space exploration&#046;</div> <p> <strong>TIRA: Tools and Industry&#8211;Relevant Applications</strong></p> <div class="rtejustify"> This track solicits contributions that present authors&#8242; experiences in designing applications that are relevant to electronic systems industries&#046; The contributions should focus on applications that identify valuable design, test, simulation and verification practices for applications of the future&#046; The contributions may also demonstrate effective use of tools for successfully developing the industryrelevant applications&#046;</div>