CoNEXT 2017 – International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies<br>The CoNEXT 2017 conference seeks papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and its applications. We especially encourage submissions that present novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis. We invite submissions on a wide range of topics. The list of topics includes (in alphabetical order):<br>Big Data platforms with applications to network management, security, measurements<br>Content distribution and caching, e.g., CDN, peer–to–peer, overlays<br>Design, analysis, and evaluation of network architectures<br>Internet measurement and modeling<br>Innovative uses of network data beyond communication<br>Networking aspects of datacenters and cloud computing<br>Networking aspects of operating systems and virtualization architectures<br>Network control and management, including SDN, NFV and network programmability<br>Network, transport, and application–layer protocols<br>Networking aspects of ubiquitous computing, including Internet–of–Things and Smart Cities<br>Networking aspects of online social networks<br>Reliability and availability of networks, protocols, and applications<br>Routing and traffic engineering<br>Security and privacy aspects of networks, protocols, and applications<br>Topics at the intersection of energy–efficient computing and networking<br>Wireless and cellular networks<br>We are open to other contributions that stretch networking research outside of these topics, present new emerging computing trends, or potentially involve unfamiliar techniques. We ask authors to bear in mind that the main factor of interest for their work will be the implications of their results in networking. Potential authors who are unsure of the scope are encouraged to contact the PC chairs before submission.<br>
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