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CoNEXT 2017 &#8211; International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies<br>The CoNEXT 2017 conference seeks papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and its applications&#046; We especially encourage submissions that present novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis&#046; We invite submissions on a wide range of topics&#046; The list of topics includes (in alphabetical order):<br>Big Data platforms with applications to network management, security, measurements<br>Content distribution and caching, e&#046;g&#046;, CDN, peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer, overlays<br>Design, analysis, and evaluation of network architectures<br>Internet measurement and modeling<br>Innovative uses of network data beyond communication<br>Networking aspects of datacenters and cloud computing<br>Networking aspects of operating systems and virtualization architectures<br>Network control and management, including SDN, NFV and network programmability<br>Network, transport, and application&#8211;layer protocols<br>Networking aspects of ubiquitous computing, including Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things and Smart Cities<br>Networking aspects of online social networks<br>Reliability and availability of networks, protocols, and applications<br>Routing and traffic engineering<br>Security and privacy aspects of networks, protocols, and applications<br>Topics at the intersection of energy&#8211;efficient computing and networking<br>Wireless and cellular networks<br>We are open to other contributions that stretch networking research outside of these topics, present new emerging computing trends, or potentially involve unfamiliar techniques&#046; We ask authors to bear in mind that the main factor of interest for their work will be the implications of their results in networking&#046; Potential authors who are unsure of the scope are encouraged to contact the PC chairs before submission&#046;<br>