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Call for papers: IEEE Asian Hardware&#8211;Oriented Security and Trust Symposium, Oct 19&#8211;20, 2017, Beijing, China&#046;<br>IEEE Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) aims to facilitate the rapid growth of hardware security research and development in Asia and South Pacific areas&#046; AsianHOST highlights new results in the area of hardware and system security&#046; Relevant research topics include techniques, tools, design/test methods, architectures, circuits, and applications of secure hardware&#046; AsianHOST 2017 invites original contributions related to, but not limited by, the following topics&#046;<br>· Hardware Trojan attacks and detection techniques<br>· Side&#8211;channel attacks and countermeasures<br>· Metrics, policies, and standards related to hardware security<br>· Secure system&#8211;on&#8211;chip (SoC) architecture<br>· Security rule checks at IP, IC, and System levels<br>· Hardware IP trust (watermarking, metering, trust verification)<br>· FPGA security<br>· Trusted manufacturing including split manufacturing, 2&#046;5D, and 3D ICs<br>· Emerging nanoscale technologies in hardware security applications<br>· Security analysis and protection of Internet of Things (IoT)<br>· Cyber&#8211;physical system (CPS) security and resilience<br>· Reverse engineering and hardware obfuscation at all levels of abstraction<br>· Supply chain risks mitigation including counterfeit detection &amp; avoidance<br>· Hardware techniques that ensure software and/or system security<br>· Analysis of real attacks and threat evaluation<br>