We invite contributions to the 15th Overture Workshop on the Vienna<br>Development (VDM), its foundations, tools, and applications. VDM is one<br>of the best established formal methods for systems development. A lively<br>community of researchers and practitioners in academia and industry has<br>grown around the modelling languages (VDM–SL, VDM++, VDM–RT, CML) and<br>tools (VDMTools, Overture, Crescendo, Symphony, and the INTO–CPS<br>chain). Together, these provide a platform for work on modelling and<br>analysis technology that includes static and dynamic analysis, test<br>generation, execution support, and model checking.<br>Current projects on model–based design for cyber–physical systems<br>(INTO–CPS and the CPSE Labs experiments TEMPO, CPSBuDi and IPP4CPPS) are<br>generating real results. There are also important developments in Japan<br>with the release of VDMTools under an open source licence. It is thus<br>timely to focus on the future of the methods and toolchain, improvements<br>in capabilities, and potential applications. We also propose to hold a<br>structured discussion on possible commercial futures.<br>Previous workshops have been invaluable in encouraging both new and<br>established members of the community in their work, and helping to<br>determine priorities and future directions. Proceedings of former<br>workshops are available at http://www.overturetool.org/.<br>
15th Overture Workshop
Newcastle University
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date