ALGOSENSORS is an international symposium dedicated to the algorithmic<br>aspects of wireless networks. Originally focused on sensor networks, it<br>now covers algorithmic issues arising in wireless networks of all types<br>of computational entities, static or mobile, including sensor networks,<br>sensor–actuator networks, autonomous robots. The focus is on the design<br>and analysis of algorithms, models of computation, and experimental analysis.<br>In year 2017 ALGOSENSORS has two tracks:<br>– Algorithms & Theory<br>– Experiments & Applications<br>Each paper must be submitted to a single track that fits the topic of the<br>paper best.<br>For the first time ALGOSENSORS will recognize its best papers. The best paper from each track will be selected, and it will be given a Best Paper Award.<br>A non–exhaustive list of topics relevant to ALGOSENSORS is the following:<br>Approximation Algorithms<br>Communication Protocols<br>Complexity and Computability<br>Computational Models<br>Cryptography, Security and Trust<br>Cyber Physical Systems<br>Data Aggregation and Fusion<br>Deployment<br>Energy Management<br>Error Correcting Codes<br>Experimental Analysis<br>Fault Tolerance and Dependability<br>Game Theoretic Aspects<br>Infrastructure Discovery<br>Internet of Things (IoT)<br>Localization<br>Medium Access Control<br>Mobility & Dynamics<br>Obstacle Avoidance<br>Pattern Formation<br>Performance Evaluation<br>Power Saving Schemes<br>Randomized Algorithms<br>Resource Efficiency<br>RFID Algorithms<br>Routing and Data Propagation<br>Self–stabilization, Self–* Properties<br>Swarm Computing<br>Systems and Testbeds<br>Time Synchronization<br>Topology Control<br>Tracking<br>Virtual Infrastructures<br>
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