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arallel, Distributed, and Network&#8211;Based Processing has undergone impressive changes over recent years&#046; New architectures, advanced programming models, improved efficiency and novel application domains have rapidly become the central focus of this discipline&#046;<br>These changes are often a result of cross&#8211;fertilisation of parallel and distributed computational paradigms with other rapidly evolving technologies in different disciplines&#046; It is of paramount importance to review and assess these new developments in relation with the recent research achievements in the different areas of parallel and distributed computing, considering both the industrial and scientific point of view&#046;<br>PDP 2018 will provide a forum for the discusssion of these and other issues through original research presentations and will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and new ideas at the highest technical and applicative level&#046;<br>* Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:<br>&#8211; Parallel Computing: massively parallel machines; embedded parallel and distributed systems; multi&#8211; and many&#8211;core systems; GPU and FPGA based parallel systems; parallel I/O; memory organisation&#046;<br>&#8211; Distributed and Network&#8211;based Computing: Cluster, Grid, Web and Cloud computing; mobile computing; interconnection networks&#046;<br>&#8211; Big Data: large scale data processing; distributed databases and archives; large scale data management; metadata; data intensive applications&#046;<br>&#8211; Models and Tools: programming languages and environments; runtime support systems; performance prediction and analysis; simulation of parallel and distributed systems&#046;<br>&#8211; Systems and Architectures: novel system architectures; high data throughput architectures; service&#8211;oriented architectures; heterogeneous systems; shared&#8211;memory and message&#8211;passing systems; middleware and distributed operating systems; dependability and survivability; resource management&#046;<br>&#8211; Advanced Algorithms and Applications: distributed algorithms; multi&#8211;disciplinary applications; computations over irregular domains; numerical applications with multi&#8211;level parallelism; real&#8211;time distributed applications&#046;<br>* In addition, special sessions will address upcoming novel topics:<br>&#8211; GPU computing and Many Integrated Core Computing<br>&#8211; Advances in High&#8211;Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine<br>&#8211; Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network&#8211;Based Computing<br>&#8211; Energy Efficient Management of Parallel Systems, Platforms, and Computations<br>&#8211; Cloud Computing on Infrastructure as a Service and its Applications<br>&#8211; High Performance Computing in Modeling and Simulation<br>&#8211; On&#8211;chip parallel and network&#8211;based systems<br>&#8211; Storage architectures and Data Transfer systems for BigData and Exascale Computing<br>&#8211; High Performance Computing for Neuroscience<br>&#8211; High Performance Computing in Astronomy and Astrophysics<br>&#8211; Parallel and distributed high&#8211;performance computing solutions in Systems Biology<br>&#8211; Parallel Numerical Methods and Libraries for Heterogeneous Multi/Manycores<br>