Deadline Paper
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The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss important research questions and practical challenges in big data mining and related areas&#046; Novel ideas, controversial issues, open problems and comparisons of competing approaches are strongly encouraged&#046; Representation of alternative viewpoints and discussions are also strongly encouraged&#046;<br>We invite submission of papers describing innovative research on all aspects of big data mining&#046; Work&#8211;in&#8211;progress papers, demos, and visionary papers are also welcome&#046;<br>Papers emphasizing theoretical foundations, algorithms, systems, applications, language issues, data storage and access, architecture are particularly encouraged&#046;<br>A Special Issue in the International Journal of Data Science and Analytics been allocated for selected papers accepted in the workshop (see below)&#046;<br>Topics<br>Examples of topics of interest include<br>* Scalable, Distributed and Parallel Algorithms<br>* New Programming Model for Large Data beyond Hadoop/MapReduce, STORM, streaming languages<br>* Mining Algorithms of Data in non&#8211;traditional formats (unstructured, semi&#8211;structured)<br>* Applications: social media, Internet of Things, Smart Grid, Smart Transportation Systems<br>* Streaming Data Processing<br>* Heterogeneous Sources and Format Mining<br>* Systems Issues related to large datasets: clouds, streaming system, architecture, and issues beyond cloud and streams&#046;<br>* Interfaces to database systems and analytics&#046;<br>* Evaluation Technologies<br>* Visualization for Big Data<br>* Applications: Large scale recommendation systems, social media systems, social network systems, scientific data mining, environmental, urban and other large data mining applications&#046;<br>