The aim of SBMF is to provide a venue for the presentation and discussion of high–quality work in formal methods. The topics include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>* techniques and methodologies, such as method integration; software and hardware co–design; model–driven engineering; formal aspects of popular methodologies; formal design; development methodologies with formal foundations; software evolution based on formal methods;<br>* specification and modelling languages, such as well–founded specification and design languages; formal aspects of popular languages; logics and semantics for programming and specification languages; code generation; formal methods and models for objects, aspects, component–based, real–time, hybrid, critical, and service–oriented systems;<br>* theoretical foundations, such as domain theory; type systems and category theory; computational complexity of methods and models; computational models; term rewriting; models of concurrency, security and mobility;<br>* verification and validation, such as abstraction, modularisation and refinement techniques; program and test synthesis; correctness by construction; model checking; theorem proving; static analysis; formal techniques for software testing; software certification; formal techniques for software inspection;<br>* education, such as teaching of, for and with formal methods;<br>* applications, such as experience reports on the use of formal methods; industrial case studies; tool support.<br>
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