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The high&#8211;level programming language Python is well established with a<br>large community in academia and industry&#046; It is a general&#8211;purpose<br>language adopted by many scientific applications&#046; Examples are<br>computational fluid dynamics, bio molecular simulation, machine<br>learning, finance, or scientific visualization&#046; Scientists, engineers,<br>and educators use Python for data science, high&#8211;performance computing,<br>and distributed computing&#046; Traditionally, system administrators use<br>Python for system management and automating administration tasks&#046;<br>Python is extremely easy to learn due to its very clean syntax and<br>great readability&#046; Therefore developers love Python as it facilitates<br>writing sustainable and maintainable software systems&#046; For the same<br>reasons, Python is well suited for education at all levels&#046;<br>The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners using<br>Python in all aspects of high performance and scientific computing&#046;<br>The goal is to present Python applications from mathematics, science,<br>and engineering, to discuss general topics regarding the use of<br>Python, and to share experiences using Python in scientific computing<br>education&#046;<br>The overarching theme of the workshop is productivity vs&#046; performance<br>in HPC and scientific programming&#046; While Python is extremely strong in<br>supporting human productivity as well reproducible science, it still<br>lacks in computational performance compared to ‘traditional’ HPC<br>languages such as Fortran or C&#046; For the workshop, we encourage authors<br>to submit novel research in improving performance of Python<br>applications as well as research on productivity of development with<br>Python&#046;<br>CALL FOR PAPERS<br>Please submit papers related to Python usage in any of the following<br>topics and application areas as well as on broader topics in business,<br>science, technology, engineering, or education:<br>* Big Data and Data Science with Python<br>* Hybrid programming and integration with other programming languages<br>* Comparison of Python with other dynamic languages for HPC<br>* Python for multi&#8211;core processors and quantum computers<br>* Interactive HPC applications using Jupyter<br>* High performance computing applications with Python<br>* Performance analysis, profiling, and debugging of Python code<br>* Administration of large HPC systems with Python<br>* Scientific and interactive visualization with Python<br>* Problem solving environments and frameworks<br>* Diversity and education in HPC and scientific computing<br>