We all know there is a huge difference between seeing and doing. Real knowledge grows from issuing your first command. Therefore, to help visitors start off learning we organize hello workshops. Hello workshops are short courses introducing basic/intermediate IT security skills. Previous years included topics like:<br>Burp Extensions<br>Malicious PDF analysis<br>Basic rootkit techniques<br>SQL injections<br>A hello workshop should meet the following requirements:<br>participants should acquire a definite and useful piece of knowledge;<br>participants bring their own equipment you should calculate with the diversity;<br>a workshop will not have more than 16 attendees;<br>it should fit into 20 plus 20 minutes (seeing plus doing) from preparation to takeaways.<br>one workshop will be held approx. 3 times during the two days<br>Topics<br>Here are some topics that we are especially interested in:<br>Vulnerabilities at unexpected territories<br>Exploit mitigations and their mitigations<br>Malware analysis inside or outside the sandbox<br>Blue Team techniques / operation<br>Big Data / Cloud / APT / any_fancy_buzzword What’s the big deal? Are there any / What are the new threats?<br>Extraordinary stories of #FAIL<br>Any research which brings something brand new to the security world<br>These are just examples though, please feel free to submit your talk as long as it fits to the spirit of Hacktivity.<br>
Deadline Paper
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End Date