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We all know there is a huge difference between seeing and doing&#046; Real knowledge grows from issuing your first command&#046; Therefore, to help visitors start off learning we organize hello workshops&#046; Hello workshops are short courses introducing basic/intermediate IT security skills&#046; Previous years included topics like:<br>Burp Extensions<br>Malicious PDF analysis<br>Basic rootkit techniques<br>SQL injections<br>A hello workshop should meet the following requirements:<br>participants should acquire a definite and useful piece of knowledge;<br>participants bring their own equipment you should calculate with the diversity;<br>a workshop will not have more than 16 attendees;<br>it should fit into 20 plus 20 minutes (seeing plus doing) from preparation to take­aways&#046;<br>one workshop will be held approx&#046; 3 times during the two days<br>Topics<br>Here are some topics that we are especially interested in:<br>Vulnerabilities at unexpected territories<br>Exploit mitigations and their mitigations<br>Malware analysis inside or outside the sandbox<br>Blue Team techniques / operation<br>Big Data / Cloud / APT / any_fancy_buzzword ­ What’s the big deal? Are there any / What are the new threats?<br>Extraordinary stories of #FAIL<br>Any research which brings something brand new to the security world<br>These are just examples though, please feel free to submit your talk as long as it fits to the spirit of Hacktivity&#046;<br>