Deadline Paper

IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) seeks original manuscripts for a Special Issue/Section on Scholarly Big Data scheduled to appear in the fourth issue of 2018&#046;<br>Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of scholarly information due to advancements in information and communication technologies&#046; Scholarly big data is the vast quantity of research output, which can be acquired from digital libraries, such as journal articles, conference proceedings, theses, books, patents, experimental data, etc&#046; It also encompasses various scholarly related data, such as author demography, academic social networks, and academic activity&#046; The abundance of scholarly data sources enables researchers to study the academic society from a big data perspective&#046; The dynamic and diverse nature of scholarly big data requires different data management techniques and advanced data analysis methods&#046; Today’s researchers realize that new scholarly&#8211;big&#8211;data specific platform/management/techniques/ are needed&#046; Therefore, a set of emerging topics such as scholarly big data acquisition, storage, management and processing are important issues for the research community&#046; Manuscripts submitted to TETC should be computing focused&#046;<br>This special issue focuses on covering the most recent research results in scholarly big data management and computing&#046; The issue welcomes both theoretical and applied research (e&#046;g&#046; platforms and applications)&#046; It will encourage the effort to share data, advocate gold&#8211;standard evaluation among shared data, and promote the exploration of new directions&#046; Topics of interest include (but not limited to):<br>* New approaches to search and crawling of scholarly big data from various data sources<br>* Methods for storing, indexing, and query processing for scholarly big data<br>* Practices for scholarly big data management and sharing<br>* Heterogeneous scholarly big data source integration, especially for novel datasets (e&#046;g&#046; online social media)<br>* Scholarly big data analysis, mining, and visualization<br>* Design of next generation scholarly big data platforms and systems<br>* Algorithms for measuring the scientific impact of articles, authors, institutions, etc&#046;<br>* Scientific information network analysis<br>* Recommendation tools and techniques<br>* Scientific community detection and clustering<br>* Graph and text mining in scholarly big data<br>* Privacy and security issues<br>* Services and applications<br>Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere&#046; As an author, you are responsible for understanding and adhering to the IEEE submission guidelines&#046; You can access them at the IEEE Computer Society web site, www&#046;computer&#046;org&#046; These should be carefully read before manuscript submission&#046; Please submit your manuscript to Manuscript Central at https://mc&#046;manuscriptcentral&#046;com/tetc&#8211;cs<br>Please note the following important dates&#046;<br>Submission Deadline: Dec&#046; 1, 2017<br>Reviews Completed: Mar&#046; 1, 2018<br>Major Revisions Due (if Needed): April 1, 2018<br>Reviews of Revisions Completed (if Needed): May 1, 2018<br>Minor Revisions Due (if Needed): June 1, 2018<br>Notification of Final Acceptance: August 1, 2018<br>Publication Materials for Final Manuscripts Due: Sept 1, 2018<br>Publication date: Last Issue of 2018 (December Issue)<br>