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The 5th International Conference on Engineering, Energy, and Environment (ICEEE) 2017 is rebranded from the International Symposium on Engineering, Energy, and Environment (ISEEE) which has been held for four alternate years, starting in 2008&#046; This year it focuses on the theme involving contribution of innovative digital economy towards sustainable development&#046;<br>Digital Economy is an economy that is driven by digital technologies&#046; The growth of digital economy has widespread impact on the world’s economy as well as every aspect of societies&#046; It transforms the way organizations conduct their businesses as well as the way we live&#046; What is more important is how innovative digital economy can make positive impacts towards sustainable development&#046;<br>The rationale of the 5th ICEEE 2017 is to serve as a platform for international exchange on the latest issues involving the contribution of innovative digital economy towards sustainable development&#046;<br>Oral presentations:<br>Topics for oral presentation include, but not limited to<br>&#8211; Digital Technology<br>&#8211; Internet of Things and Smart Cities<br>&#8211; Renewable Energy and Energy Management<br>&#8211; Environmental Technology and Management<br>&#8211; Chemical Processing<br>&#8211; Materials Engineering<br>&#8211; Manufacturing and Design<br>&#8211; Productivity Improvement<br>&#8211; Biomedical Engineering and Engineering in Medicine<br>&#8211; Diagnostic and Monitoring System<br>&#8211; Agricultural and Food Engineering<br>&#8211; Vehicle Engineering and Logistics<br>&#8211; Transportation and Logistics<br>&#8211; Resilient Engineering (Natural Disaster, Infrastructure, Transportation, etc&#046;)<br>&#8211; Engineering and Education<br>&#8211; General Engineering Subjects<br>