Porto Alegre
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<br>The 2017 IEEE CASS Seasonal School on Physical Design Automation aims to offer a set of talks on key topics of physical design automation of integrated circuits in modern and upcoming technologies&#046; It should represent current and future challenges that are faced by industry and academia for the implementation of ever more complex circuits and systems&#046; We want to promote discussion on hot topics and cover fundamental algorithms and computational methods in the area, so that the attendance can leverage their comprehension and capabilities, while also attracting new students and researchers to the right problems&#046; The courses will be given by prominent international researchers with extensive expertise in their fields&#046; Associated to the school, a book will be organized and published by an internacional publisher&#046;<br>The School’s technical program includes 8 courses of 2h40min each, divided into two parts of 1h20min each, with a coffee break&#046; It also includes some short talks of 50 min each&#046; There will be a panel each day to involve participants into discussions related to the subjects covered&#046; In the afternoon coffee break, there will be a poster sessions related to the school topics&#046; The corresponding call for posters is available in the webpage&#046;<br>THE MAIN TOPICS TO BE COVERED BY THE SCHOOL WILL INCLUDE:<br>Global and Detailed placement<br>Gate sizing<br>Routing and routability<br>Tools for 3D architectures<br>Layout manufacturability<br>Clock routing buffer/wire sizing<br>Machine Learning for EDA<br>Layout Design Automation<br>