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The 9th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2017) will take place on November 15 &#8211; 17, 2017 at Baekyang Hall of Yonsei University campus, Seoul, Korea&#046; We invite professionals and researchers to discuss research results and ideas in machine learning&#046; We seek original and novel research papers resulting from theory and experiment of machine learning&#046; The conference also solicits proposals focusing on disruptive ideas and paradigms within the scope&#046; We encourage submissions from all parts of the world, not only confined to the Asia&#8211;Pacific region&#046;<br>We are running two publication tracks following the last year&#8242;s practice: authors may submit either to the conference track, for which the proceedings will be published as a volume of Proceeding of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) series, or to the journal track for which accepted papers will appear in a special issue of the Machine Learning Journal&#046;<br>Please note that submission arrangements for the two tracks are different&#046;<br>Submission guidelines: http://www&#046;acml&#8211;conf&#046;org/2017/authors/call&#8211;for&#8… Scope<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Learning problems<br>Active learning, Bayesian machine learning, Deep learning, latent variable models, Dimensionality reduction, Feature selection, Graphical models, Learning for big data, Learning in graphs, Multiple instance learning, Multi&#8211;objective learning, Multi&#8211;task learning, Semi&#8211;supervised learning, Sparse learning, Structured output learning, Supervised learning, Online learning, Transfer learning, Unsupervised learning<br>&#8211; Analysis of learning systems<br>Computational learning theory, Experimental evaluation, Knowledge refinement, Reproducible research, Statistical learning theory<br>&#8211; Applications<br>Bioinformatics, Biomedical information, Collaborative filtering, Healthcare, Computer vision, Human activity recognition, Information retrieval, Natural language processing, Social networks, Web search<br>&#8211; Learning in knowledge&#8211;intensive systems<br>Knowledge refinement and theory revision, Multi&#8211;strategy learning, Other systems<br>