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Over the last years, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies have gradually found their way into<br>mainstream information systems&#046; As these technologies mature and demonstrate their business value, they go<br>from providing isolated functionality to becoming integrated into large and complex information systems,<br>which entails that they have to be maintained and evolved in a sustainable manner&#046; This maintenance imperative<br>raises new challenges for information systems engineers due to the level of sophistication and the demanding<br>infrastructure requirements that characterize these technologies&#046;<br>The CAiSE conference will continue its tradition as the premiere venue for innovative and rigorous research<br>across the whole spectrum of Information Systems Engineering, while placing a special emphasis on the theme of<br>Information Systems in The Big Data Era&#046; This year’s theme acknowledges the disruptions brought about by the<br>abundance of Big Data sources on government and business services, their users and customers, as well as the<br>environments in which they are generated&#046; This data abundance creates new opportunities to develop smart and<br>personalized information systems, but also raises new challenges for information systems engineers, for example<br>in the areas of scalable data cleaning, integration and processing, and real&#8211;time and predictive data analytics&#046;<br>Besides offering an exciting scientific program, CAiSE ’18 will feature a best paper award, a special issue, and<br>a PhD&#8211;thesis award:201<br>Contributions about methods, models, techniques, architectures and platforms for supporting the engineering and<br>evolution of information systems and organizations in the big data era could include (but are not<br>limited to):<br>* Novel approaches to IS Engineering<br>Context&#8211;aware and adaptive systems<br>Agile enterprise models and architecture<br>Distributed, mobile and open architecture<br>IS for collaboration<br>Social computing<br>Customer analytics<br>Big data application in IS<br>Application of AI in IS<br>Data and business analytics<br>Use of new visualization&#8211;techniques in IS<br>Service science and innovation<br>* Models, Methods and Techniques in IS Engineering<br>Conceptual modeling, languages and design<br>Requirements engineering<br>Business process modeling, analysis, and engineering<br>Process mining<br>Models and methods for evolution and reuse<br>Domain and method engineering<br>Variability and configuration management<br>Compliance and alignment handling<br>Active and interactive models<br>Quality of IS models for analysis and design<br>* Architectures and Platforms in and for IS Engineering<br>Big Data architectures<br>Cloud&#8211;based IS engineering<br>Service oriented IS engineering<br>Multi&#8211;agent IS engineering<br>Robotic Process Automation<br>Multi&#8211;platform IS engineeering<br>Cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>Big data and the Internet of Things<br>Blockchains<br>Digital twins<br>Workflow and PAIS systems<br>Handling of real time data streams<br>Content management and semantic Web<br>* Domain Specific and multi&#8211;aspect IS Engineering<br>IT governance<br>eGovernment<br>Smart City management<br>Industrial ecology management<br>IS for healthcare<br>Educational IS<br>Value and supply chain management<br>Industry 4&#046;0<br>Sustainability and social responsibility management<br>Predictive information systems<br>Big Data and privacy<br>Security and safety management<br>Dark data processing<br>