Control and analysis of the timing of computations is crucial to many domains of system engineering,<br>be it, e.g., for ensuring timely response to stimuli originating in an uncooperative environment,<br>or for synchronising components in VLSI. Reflecting this broad scope, timing aspects of systems<br>from a variety of domains have been treated independently by different communities in computer<br>science and control. Researchers interested in semantics, verification and performance analysis<br>study models such as timed automata and timed Petri nets, the digital design community focuses on<br>propagation and switching delays, while designers of embedded controllers have to take account<br>of the time taken by controllers to compute their responses after sampling the environment,<br>as well as of the dynamics of the controlled process during this span.<br>Timing–related questions in these separate disciplines do have their particularities. However,<br>there is a growing awareness that there are basic problems (of both scientific and engineering<br>level) that are common to all of them. In particular, all these sub–disciplines treat systems whose<br>behaviour depends upon combinations of logical and temporal constraints; namely, constraints on<br>the temporal distances between occurrences of successive events. Often, these constraints cannot<br>be separated, as the intrinsic dynamics of processes couples them, necessitating models, methods,<br>and tools facilitating their combined analysis. Reflecting this, FORMATS′17 promotes submissions<br>on hybrid discrete–continuous systems, and will promote a special session on this topic.<br>Topics<br>The aim of FORMATS is to promote the study of fundamental and practical aspects of timed systems,<br>and to bring together researchers from different disciplines that share interests in modelling<br>and analysis of timed systems and, as a generalisation, of hybrid systems. Typical topics include<br>(but are not limited to):<br>* Foundations and Semantics :<br>Theoretical foundations of timed systems and languages; new models and logics or analysis and<br>comparison of existing models (like automata, Petri nets, max–plus models, network calculus,<br>or process algebras involving quantitative time; hybrid automata; probabilistic automata and logics).<br>* Methods and Tools :<br>Techniques, algorithms, data structures, and software tools for analysing or synthesising timed<br>or hybrid systems and for resolving temporal constraints (scheduling, worst–case execution time<br>analysis, optimisation, model checking, testing, constraint solving, etc.)<br>* Applications :<br>Adaptation and specialisation of timing technology in application domains in which timing plays<br>an important role (real–time software, embedded control, hardware circuits, and problems of<br>scheduling in manufacturing and telecommunications).<br>
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