CPS Week
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

Researchers both from the academia and industry are invited to submit proposals<br>for workshops, tutorials, and competitions to be held on April 10, 2018 as part<br>of the CPS Week&#046; See below for each specific call&#046;<br>Proposals must be sent via e&#8211;mail to the Workshops Chairs: Vincent Nelis at<br>nelis@isep&#046;ipp&#046;pt and Dakshina Dasari at dakshina&#046;dasari@de&#046;bosch&#046;com)&#046; While<br>submitting a proposal, please indicate whether the proposal is for a workshop,<br>tutorial, or competition and please tag it with "[CPSWeek 2018:]" in the subject<br>of the email&#046;<br>Workshop, tutorial, and competition proposals will be evaluated in terms of their<br>quality and technical/scientific contribution&#046; Sessions strengthening and/or<br>extending the conference program will be prioritized&#046;<br>WORKSHOPS:<br>The workshops should provide a forum to discuss hot topics of interest to the<br>CPS community, typically, beyond topics traditionally represented in the main<br>CPS Week conference&#046; The workshop proposals should include:<br>&#8211; Title of the workshop<br>&#8211; A short biography of the organizers<br>&#8211; Potential contributors and target audiences<br>&#8211; For continued workshops, a summary of previous runs and ideas for<br>improvement&#046; For new proposals, the rationale for the need for the new workshop<br>must be described&#046; The rationale should discuss the novelty of the topic and<br>/or its multidisciplinary flavor, and must explain how it is different from<br>the topics traditionally covered by the regular sessions&#046;<br>Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and the<br>qualifications of the organizers&#046;<br>TUTORIALS:<br>The purpose of tutorials is to educate attendees about specific topics or to<br>provide the background necessary to understand technical advances in relevant<br>areas&#046; The tutorial should be appealing to a wide audience with interests in CPS<br>research&#046; The tutorial proposal should include:<br>&#8211; Title of the tutorial<br>&#8211; Contact information for the presenter(s) (name, email address, affiliation)<br>&#8211; Duration (half day or full day)<br>&#8211; Description of the potential target audience for the tutorial<br>&#8211; Short biography of the presenter(s)<br>The evaluation of the proposals will consider its general interest<br>for CPS attendees, the quality of the proposal, and the expertise of the<br>presenters&#046; Regarding the organization, speakers are required to provide tutorial<br>material to the chairs one month prior to the conference&#046; The CPS Week will<br>reproduce the tutorial material to be provided to the attendees&#046; It will not<br>be possible to host tutorials that require laboratory or PC access for audience<br>(no "hands&#8211;on" tutorials)&#046; Finally, the CPS Week committee reserves the right to<br>cancel any tutorial if too few attendees are registered for any given tutorial&#046;<br>